Leng Xuan looked at the mad tiger beast still bathed in golden light, his thoughts turned quickly, thinking about countermeasures. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, "Yes! I have a solution."

   Not long after, the four of them moved their bodies, left the cave, and galloped straight to the exit of this space. Soon, the four of them successfully returned to the shrine. When he came to the house where Qi Chen lived, Leng Xuan exhaled and said, "It seems that our plan was successful." Qi Chen was also relieved, "Fortunately you have such a trick, otherwise, I really don't know what to do. What can I do."

   "Brother, thank you for your hard work." At this time, Leng Xuan reached out and patted the other person's shoulder, smiling. The person in front of him was exactly what Leng Er was wearing. When they entered that space before, there were four people, so as long as there were four people when they came out, the King of Free and Easy would not pay too much attention. However, in this way, the mad tiger beast was left in that space. "I hope he can succeed." Leng Xuan prayed to himself. They left first, and there was no other way. Only in this way can the safety of several of them be guaranteed, and at the same time, Qi Chen will not be affected. "Leng Xuan, why are we going in?" Feng Lie asked.

Before Leng Xuan could reply, he heard Qi Chen say, "It will take at least four or five days to go in." Hearing this, Leng Xuan asked, "Why?" Qi Chen said, "We usually go in every four or five days. , If we go in and out continuously, the King of Free and Easy will definitely notice us. Even if you are in a hurry, it will take three days, unless something special happens in that space. You can rest assured, as long as he stays there, it will take three or four days. Time will be fine."

   "Okay." Leng Xuan nodded, that's all there is to it for now. For two days in a row, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie stayed in Qi Chen's residence and seldom went out. In the past two days, Rowling will also take time to come and walk around when she has time.

   On this day, Leng Xuan was discussing things with Feng Lie in his room when he heard a loud noise and the door of the house was pushed open from the outside. Immediately afterwards, Qi Chen and Rowling rushed in in a hurry, shouting, "Leng Xuan."

   "Brother Qi, what's wrong?" Leng Xuan quickly walked up to him and asked. Qi Chen said in a deep voice, "Something happened." Leng Xuan was about to ask what was going on, but Qi Chen said, "Follow me first, let's talk about it on the way." At this moment, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie put on golden armors and pretended to be gods again. Following Qi Chen and Rowling, the four came to the square, and saw that there were already more than 100 gods waiting there. Qi Chen didn't say a word, waved his hand, and all the gods would immediately follow him and run towards the space. Entering the space again, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie stood beside Qi Chen, looking around, suddenly surprised. They found that in the vicinity, both fairy beasts and exotic beasts were all gone.

   Thinking back then, when they came in, there were immortal beasts and strange beasts everywhere, but now none of them are missing, which is really weird. "Everyone, spread out. Once you find the other party's whereabouts, don't do it and notify me immediately." Qi Chen looked at the crowd and ordered. After explaining, Qi Chen, in front of everyone, pointed at Leng Xuan, Feng Lie, and Rowling, and said, "Follow me, you guys." Separated from the main force, the four of them dashed all the way in the space. . It was not until this time that Leng Xuan had the opportunity to ask Qi Chen what had happened, and he was so inspiring.

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