Qi Chen nodded and said, "It's definitely found, but you don't have to worry, I've already figured out a countermeasure, come with me." After the words were finished, he showed his body and stood upright in the air. Then, a strange cry came out of his mouth. Hearing the strange cry, Maoyahu, who was lying on the ground, immediately stood up, and then ran towards the front. "Follow!" Qi Chen waved his hand, and led Leng Xuan and the three of them to chase after the moustache tigers.

   Not long after, they came to a huge cave. "This is where the Maoyahu lives." As Qi Chen said, he followed the Maoyahu and walked into the cave.

   Entering the cave, I saw the moustache tigers curled up in the corner. Seeing Qi Chen approaching, the moustache tigers trembled and lowered their heads, seeming to be very afraid of Qi Chen. "I usually discipline these guys." Qi Chen said, "Don't look at how honest they are now. When I first took over the place, these guys were very cruel and hurt a lot of my brothers. means, they can't be honest."

   "No wonder." Leng Xuan thought to himself. It is estimated that Qi Chen's usual discipline is very strict, so when these Maoya tigers saw Qi Chen, they conditioned their fears. Qi Chen seemed a little anxious, and said solemnly: "Leng Xuan, no matter what you want to do, hurry up. Seeing that I am leading the team, King Xiaoyao won't be suspicious, so he won't pay attention here. However, If we stay here too long, it will inevitably lead to his speculation."

   "Understood, we will do it as soon as possible." After he finished speaking, Leng Xuan immediately greeted Feng Lie and Crazy Tiger Beast and began to get busy. It is by no means an easy thing to extract the blood of the white tiger from the Maoyahu's body, and then transfer it to the mad tiger beast. However, it is estimated that because of Qi Chen, those Maoya tigers cooperated very well and did not resist. Withdrawing the blood of the White Tiger, only Feng Lie can do this kind of thing, and his strength is the strongest among the three. What's more, now he, as one of the four holy beasts, the Qinglong holy beast, has some advantages that Leng Xuan does not possess. Not long after, Feng Lie had already carved out a formation on the ground of the cave.

   Then, the three of them drove all the five-headed tusk tigers into the formation. With the opening of the formation, a splendid azure light suddenly overflowed, enveloping the headless tusk tiger in it. Feng Lie sat cross-legged outside the formation, his hands changing the seal from time to time, and controlling the formation. I saw streaks of blue light like a gentle hand, stroking the bodies of those Maoya tigers, and penetrated into their bodies little by little.

   After about half a quarter of an hour, a touch of golden light slowly overflowed from the body of a hooded tiger. Leng Xuan looked carefully, and suddenly found that there seemed to be some kind of liquid in the golden light. The liquid also showed golden color, and under the guidance of the strong wind, it was suspended at the edge of the formation. As time went on, the amount of that golden liquid increased. At the same time, the five-headed tussock tigers lay on the ground one after another, calling out in a low voice.

   The detachment of the blood of the white tiger seems to have a great impact on them, one by one is lethargic and weak. Leng Xuan and Mad Tiger Beast watched nervously from the side, daring not to make a sound, lest they hinder Feng Lie.

   When there is enough golden liquid in the formation, Feng Lie changes the seal again.

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