"What way?" Leng Xuan asked impatiently. Feng Lie said: "The mad tiger beast, the Maoya tiger, the white tiger, they are all the same kind of immortal beasts. Perhaps, we can transfer the blood of the white tiger in the Maoya tiger to the mad tiger beast." Leng Xuan was caught by Feng Lie. The bold idea was startled, and said, "Is this possible?" Feng Lie shook his head, "I don't know how high the chance of success is, but we can try it. The white tiger bloodline in Maoyahu is not strong, Therefore, if the blood of the white tiger is transferred into the body of the mad tiger beast, the impact on him will not be too great. Of course, it does not mean that there is no risk, there is definitely a risk. However, I think you can give it a try."

   "This requires the opinion of Senior Mad Tiger." Leng Xuan said. "This is not a problem, he will definitely agree. So, if you stay here, I will return to Tianhuo Palace and bring Mad Tiger here." Feng Lie said.

  Leng Xuan nodded, that's all for now. With Qi Chen's assistance, Feng Lie's access to the shrine was naturally a problem. Not long after Feng Lie left, another person appeared in Qi Chen's house, it was Rowling. "Friend Leng Xian?" Rowling was quite surprised to see Leng Xuan here. "Fairy Luo, we meet again." Leng Xuan responded with a smile. "You..." Rowling looked at Leng Xuan, then at Qi Chen, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

After briefly explaining her purpose, Rowling shook her head and said: "You are really bold, you dare to come to the shrine, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the three **** kings?" King's honorific title. Leng Xuan shrugged, "There is no way, some things have to be done." Rowling said helplessly: "I don't understand why you have to fight against the three **** kings, do you want to learn from Emperor Hunyuan and the others and fight for the **** of the fairyland right?"

   "I don't want to rule anyone, I just want to live." Leng Xuan gave a wry smile. Over the years, he has always thought that everything he does has meaning and is arranged by God and destiny. However, the moment he knew the truth, he found himself so confused and ridiculous. It turned out that everything he did was to pave the way for others. In fact, now he has no way out. If you return to the secular world, you may be able to spend your life in peace. However, with his character, since he knew what the three kings of the God Realm did, he would definitely not sit still. In his eyes, what is right is what is right, and what is evil is what is evil. Even if there is no arrangement of fate, in the face of demons, he will act for the heavens, especially the three kings of the maddened God Realm.

   There is no retreat, so he can only continue to move forward. Not only against the three kings of the gods, but also the demon emperor and the great emperor Tongtian. On his way forward, in addition to justice and responsibility, those who support him also have a little anger. This anger came from the deception of the Great Emperor Tongtian to him. So, he wants revenge. A person has seven emotions and six desires. In the face of the deception of the Great Emperor Tongtian, it is impossible for him not to be angry, but he has been holding back and did not show it.

"Leng Xuan, if you want to fight against the three **** kings, that's your business, and I will neither stop nor persuade. From my personal standpoint, you are a friend. But if you continue like this, I believe that sooner or later One day, we will meet on the battlefield. At that time, don't blame me." Rowling said. "I hope that day will never come." Leng Xuan replied.

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