At this moment, a voice came from outside, "Leng Xuan."

   Hearing the voice, Leng Xuan knew that Feng Lie was coming, and immediately got up to open the door and usher him in, "Senior Feng, do you have something to do with me?" Feng Lie said, "Senior Long has something to tell you to do it."

   "What's the matter?" Leng Xuan asked. "Among the Four Sacred Beasts, only the descendants of the White Tigers have become extinct. In this way, we will no longer be able to gather the Four Sacred Beasts. However, Senior Ryuzaki said that although the descendants of the White Tigers have perished, the White Tiger clan of that year, It's not just that the bloodline is continued on the body of his own clan, and some bloodlines are continued on the body of other immortal beasts, do you understand what this means?" Leng Xuan nodded, he naturally understood the meaning. To put it simply, the white tiger not only mates with his own clan, but also mates with other immortal beasts. It's just that the offspring born from mating with other immortal beasts have not very pure white tiger blood in their bodies.

"Senior Ryuzaki said that although the orthodox descendants of the white tiger have become extinct, in this immortal world, some immortal beasts may have the blood of the white tiger in their bodies, but they are not very pure. Even so, it is the blood of the white tiger after all. The combination of the bloodlines of the White Tiger Sacred Beast might make it one of the Four Sacred Beasts." Leng Xuan seemed to understand: "Senior Ryuzaki means that I can find those immortal beasts that may have the blood of the White Tiger?"

   "Yes." Feng Lie replied. Leng Xuan thought for a while, and said, "Senior Feng, Senior Prisoner Valley brought all the immortal beasts in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, don't they have the bloodline of the White Tiger?" Feng Lie shook his head and said, "I thought so before too. However, I have already tested it with Senior Prison Valley, and there is no White Tiger bloodline among those immortal beasts." Leng Xuan asked: "Where does Senior Longzaki want me to go?"

"God's Domain." After a pause, Feng Lie spit out two words: "Sacred Palace." Leng Xuan looked shocked and said: "Sacred Palace? Senior Feng, you are not mistaken, let me go to the shrine? That is not Do you want to die?" Feng Lie said, "Senior Longzaki told me that the King Xiaoyao, one of the three kings of the Divine Realm, raised many exotic beasts and immortal beasts. Among them, there was a kind of immortal beast called Maoyahu. Back then, the Four Sages When the mountain was rising, the Maoyahu was a vassal of the White Tiger clan, and in the subsequent war, the Maoyahu clan was also almost extinct. However, Senior Ryuzaki said that King Xiaoyao captured a lot of Maoya tigers at that time. It seems that King Xiaoyao did this in order to raise those Maoya tigers and cultivate them into his own fairy pets. Therefore, there are probably many Maoya tigers in Xiaoyao Wang, and those Maoya tigers, Then there is the blood of the White Tiger." Leng Xuan frowned and said, "Even so...but, isn't it too dangerous?"

   Let him go to the shrine alone, it is tantamount to sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Although he didn't mind running errands for Ryuzaki, the request was a bit too much. Don't talk about him, I'm afraid that even the demon emperor and the Tongtian emperor would not dare to go to the shrine alone.

Feng Lie seemed to see his thoughts and said, "Senior Prison Valley and I will accompany you." After hearing what he said, Leng Xuan was relieved, but still shook his head and said, "I don't think this is inappropriate. Although you and Senior Prisoner Valley are not weak, you are still a little short of facing the three kings of God's Domain. If something goes wrong, the three of us will have to explain it there."

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