The result of the    Rush was that both sides lost some manpower, and there was no winner. According to the report of the Tianhuo Palace disciple who went to inquire about the information, the leader of the battle this time was King Anqing of the three kings of the God Realm, and the other two kings were not dispatched. Leng Xuan thought to himself, if the three kings of the Divine Realm shot together, I'm afraid the demon emperor would not be better off. However, he was not worried that the Demon Emperor would be defeated. Since the demon emperor dared to move Yin Yuandian to the God's Domain and face the three kings of the God's Domain, there must be some means. Otherwise, how dare he do this, it is not asking for a dead end.

"Senior." On this day, Leng Xuan found Guigu and asked, "How much do you know about the deeds of the three kings of the gods?" Guigu shook his head and said, "I'm not too clear, the three kings of the gods have always lived in the gods and rarely come to immortals. The three kings of the Divine Realm are King Xiaoyao, King Anqing, and King Qingye. Among them, King Xiaoyao is the leader of the three kings, followed by King Anqing and King Qingye. Ye Wang ranked last. Xiaoyao Wang is a more insidious, scheming person. He is a kind of person who makes plans. In comparison, Anqing Wang is much simpler. He is an unrestrained person, and his temper is very aggressive. There are no rules in his actions. There's not much to say about him. But the Aoba King is more interesting. Although this person is a woman, she is very mysterious and there are few rumors about her, so I don't know her very well."

  Leng Xuan nodded secretly, such a combination is quite appropriate. One is in charge of planning, one is in charge of action, and the other is mysterious and mysterious, which is equivalent to a hole card in the three kings of God's Domain, making it difficult for people to see through.

"Leng Xuan, what are your thoughts?" Guigu asked, "The three kings of the Divine Realm have already started a war with Yin Yuandian. It won't be long before the war will spread to the Immortal Realm." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said, "Senior, Don't worry about this. In my opinion, the battle between the three kings of the Divine Realm and Yin Yuandian can't be fought." Guigu asked curiously, "Why?" Leng Xuan smiled and said, "It is not a matter of a day or two for Yin Yuandian to move to the Divine Realm. If the three kings of the God Realm wanted to destroy him, they would have already done it, so why delay until now. Since they didn't do it before, it means that they also know that the demon emperor is not so easy to deal with. And this time, King Anqing brought three thousand divine generals with him. Attacking Yin Yuandian should not be the decision of the three kings of the gods, but the decision of the king of Anqing. Didn't you just say that the king of Anqing has a very aggressive temper. This time he was put together by Emperor Hunyuan and the others. He must be uncomfortable. That's why I retaliate with this."

   After listening to Leng Xuan's analysis, Guigu nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, but this war is a matter of time, and we should always make some preparations. Once the war begins, we also know how to deal with it."

   "Don't worry, senior, I already have a plan for what you said." Leng Xuan replied. Returning to Tianhuo Palace these few days, he has been thinking about this issue. After going through so many things, he has come to understand that both the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian are people who cannot be trusted. Moreover, after so many lessons, he knew that if he played with his scheming, he would definitely not be able to play the Demon Emperor. If you want to have the right to speak in the fairy world, the most important point is strength. Only if you are strong enough, you can make others pay attention to you. So, in the days to come, he will take this as his main goal.

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