Seeing him coming, the demon emperor said: "You came just in time, Tongtian has already negotiated with the three kings of the gods, and we will set off in two days."

"Two days later?" Leng Xuan was startled and asked, "So soon?" The demon emperor nodded and said, "I was going to leave today, but you haven't come out, so we have to postpone the trip for two days, so be prepared. Now, this time, try not to cause any problems." Leng Xuan replied, expressing his understanding. Two days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Leng Xuan, the demon emperor, and the great emperor Tongtian all moved their bodies together and galloped towards the reception and lead fairy palace in the half-immortal realm.

   Not long after, the three of them arrived at their destination. Seeing that the three kings of God's Domain are still in the future, the demon emperor took out a ring from his arms and said, "This is a spiritual tool that I have refined, and it has a small space in it. I will take you in later, so that God's Domain will not The three kings found you." Leng Xuan nodded and did not refuse. In the eyes of the three kings of God's Domain, he is already a dead person, and naturally he cannot appear in front of the other party.

After    explained clearly, the demon emperor moved the ring, but saw a flash of light, covering Leng Xuan's body. When the light faded, Leng Xuan also disappeared. After about a quarter of an hour, three rays of light slowly descended from the sky. In that light, there is one person each, who is the three kings of the God Realm. "Let's go." After the two sides met, King Xiaoyao glanced at the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian and said. Not long after, the five returned to the mundane world through the reception of the fairy palace.

   With the cultivation of the five of them, it is easy to enter the turbulent flow of space. Moreover, in the face of various dangers in space turbulence, they have enough ability to deal with it. Along the way, although it took a lot of time, fortunately there is no danger. But at this moment, in the small space that the Demon Emperor had created by himself, Leng Xuan sat quietly, waiting for the opportunity. I don't know how long it took, Leng Xuan suddenly felt this small space shaking.

   "The time is up." Seeing this, he immediately stood up. This small shaking was the signal the Demon Emperor gave him, indicating that he was ready to go out. After a while, he only felt his body light up, and a light flashed before his eyes. In the blink of an eye, everything around him was transformed into an unfamiliar environment. "This is the plane world?" Leng Xuan glanced around, taking the surrounding environment into his eyes. Although there is no life in this place, this world is almost the same as the secular world, with green mountains and green waters, beautiful. "Aura!" Leng Xuan felt it carefully, and found that the world was full of rich spiritual energy. If the spiritual energy of this world can be transferred into the fairy world, then the fairy world will surely be rescued.

   At this moment, there is no one else around him except himself. This is his plan with the Demon Emperor. After entering the plane world, the demon emperor will leave him alone so that he can act alone, while the demon emperor, like the Tongtian Great Emperor and the three kings of the God Realm, will attract their attention so that he can set up a formation. Look up and look at the sky above. The sky here is different from the sky in the fairy world and the world. The sky here is all clouds, and they are all frozen clouds, as if frozen in the sky. After taking a closer look, a faint light suddenly appeared in his sight. After locking in the direction of the light, Leng Xuan immediately moved his body and galloped away with all his strength.

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