Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8320: Heaven and Earth Destroy 1

   The other party threw a word and left in a hurry. Helpless, Leng Xuan had to stay in the room, waiting for the arrival of the demon emperor. However, a little time passed, and more than half a day passed, and no one was seen from the Demon Emperor to send a message.

   "What is that guy doing?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly. If there is something important, you should meet yourself early. Moreover, during this period, not even a single person appeared in front of him. It took a whole day to wait like this. It was not until the next day that the guard who sent him yesterday appeared and brought him to the main hall of Yin Yuan Hall. After a while, he saw the long-awaited Demon Emperor.

Looking at the demon emperor who was slowly entering the hall, Leng Xuan said, "What important thing do you have to ask me?" The demon emperor took his seat and said, "I'm sorry, I've kept you waiting for a long time, I'll let you meet someone. "As his voice fell, a person appeared at the door of the main hall. Seeing the other party, Leng Xuan's expression couldn't help changing, "Emperor Tongtian?" Although the Great Emperor Tongtian changed a physical body again, he was still able to recognize him by his breath. He looked at the Great Emperor Tongtian who walked in alertly, not daring to relax, who knew if the other party would take the opportunity to shoot at him. Now that he no longer has the help of the stone statue, if he moves his hand, he is not the opponent's opponent at all.

"Don't be nervous." The Demon Emperor said, "Don't worry, in my Yin Yuandian, he won't trouble you. What do you think, Tongtian?" The Great Emperor Tongtian snorted and didn't answer, but he had already shown his attitude. . Seeing this, Leng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. After the three of them were all seated, the Demon Emperor continued: "Leng Xuan, we are looking for you to discuss cooperation with you." Leng Xuan said, "What kind of cooperation? Will you work with me?"

The Demon Emperor didn't answer his question, but said, "You must already know the current situation of the Immortal Realm. Now that there is a lack of spiritual energy, if there is not enough spiritual energy to maintain, the Immortal Realm will be destroyed sooner or later. Whether it is me or Tongtian, confrontation The purpose of the three kings of the Divine Realm is only to compete for the dominion of the Immortal Realm. If the Immortal Realm is destroyed, it will not benefit any of us." Hearing this, Leng Xuan seemed to understand, and said, "Could it be that you have a solution? Solve the current problem?" The demon emperor nodded and said, "That's right, or else I wouldn't have called you here." After a pause, he turned his head and asked, "Do you remember spatial turbulence?"

   "Space turbulence?" Leng Xuan replied, "Of course I remember." When he was in the cultivation world and the foreign cultivation world, he entered the spatial turbulence twice, each time it was full of dangers, and he almost lost his life there. Over the years, he has been to so many places, but spatial turbulence is the most dangerous and the place he least wants to go. "You should know that in the turbulent space, there are still many different planes, and each plane is a small world. Although those small worlds are different from the fairy world, the mundane world, the Xumi world, and the exotic self-cultivation world, there are Life exists, but the existence of a plane must have sufficient aura to maintain it. Before you came, I discussed it with Tongtian for a long time, thinking that this is a way to save the fairyland. Although it is a bit risky, it is worth a try. "Leng Xuan seems to have realized something: "You mean... transfer the spiritual energy of other plane worlds into the fairy world?"

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