Although there were thousands of purple lightning bolts ahead, the stone statue was not blocked by anything, and it rushed straight ahead. Wherever they passed, the thousands of purple thunderbolts all spread out to both sides. When King Anqing saw this, his face suddenly sank. Immediately, when he raised his left hand, the purple lightning in the sky became thicker and thicker.

   "Destroy!" The word was uttered, and thousands of purple lightning bolts in the sky immediately converged into a single lightning bolt, falling towards the top of the stone statue. In the face of the thunder and lightning that contained the power of destroying the sky and the earth, the stone statue did not retreat but advanced, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When the two were about to touch, the stone statue suddenly raised his steel fist, facing the purple lightning, and hit it directly. "Bang!" With a loud thunderous sound, Leng Xuan only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a stream of blood could not help spit out from his mouth.

   "It's over!" Just as the thought popped into his mind, he discovered that the stone statue actually broke through the purple lightning, and with a vigorous step, quickly rushed to the front of King Anqing. A punch was thrown, ordinary, without any fancy, not even a trace of energy. "Go away!" Seeing the steel fist of the stone statue attacking, King Anqing roared angrily, clenched his left fist, and directly greeted him. The two fists met, and the stone statue's body sank, but it remained motionless.

   On the other hand, King Anqing flew out with a punch from the stone statue, flying several dozen meters before falling to the ground from mid-air. At this moment, Leng Xuan has lost control of the stone statue, and the stone statue is completely acting. Leng Xuan noticed that a faint red light appeared on the surface of the stone statue. The red light was very strange, like a flame, burning on the body.

   At this time, King Xiaoyao, who had been watching the battle in the sky, frowned slightly when he saw the action of the stone statue, "It's kind of interesting, after so many years of death, there is still such a strong obsession."

   "You... provoke someone you shouldn't provoke." With the cold voice, King Anqing slowly stood up from the ground, his body was full of momentum, like a volcano on the verge of eruption, which was terrifying.

The    pace moved, the stone statue began to run forward, and the speed became faster and faster. At the same time, the red light on the stone statue became more and more intense, almost covering the whole body. "Death!" An angry roar sounded, and King Anqing moved, like a raging wind swept through the sky, carrying the dust all over the sky, and surging towards the stone statue with a majestic momentum.

Wherever    passed, cracks spread from the ground. As soon as he raised his hand, the golden spear burst into a dazzling ray of light, facing the stone statue with the momentum of destroying the dead. "Bang!" The golden and red rays of light collided again, and a powerful air wave centered on the two of them quickly spread around.

Within a hundred meters of   , all the gods watching the battle were affected, and were swept away by the air wave.

   In the center of the air wave, the fist of the stone statue was pressing against the golden spear of King Anqing, motionless, as if a statue, solidified there. Anqing Wang's face was blue and cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. What a shame! In front of so many subordinates, he was actually defeated by an unknown person. If this matter spreads out, let him put his face. Thinking of this, An Qing's face turned cold and he let out a low growl.

  Suddenly, the golden light bloomed again. Immediately afterwards, the long spear was seen spinning rapidly.

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