At this time, Leng Xuan, accompanied by Guigu and Mo Ya, had already walked in front of them. "How did you do it?" Qin Qianyu stared at Leng Xuan coldly, gritted her teeth. Leng Xuan smiled and said, "You asked a good question, but I won't tell you." However, when he was stationed in the Taolong Sect last time, he cooperated with Yuezhu, and when refining these divine generals, he planted his own consciousness in the divine general's body in advance. In short, these gods will be controlled by him and others at the same time. However, when he and others give orders at the same time, the puppets will take precedence over his orders.

   "Since you have a way to make this maze disappear, you must have a way to take us out." Leng Xuan said, "Let's make a deal. If you can take us out of here, I will let you two, how about it?"

"Dream." Qin Qianyu said coldly, "It's a big deal to die together." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said: "It seems that we have nothing to say, Senior Ruan..." After speaking, he turned his attention to Ruan, who was beside him. Lang, "Senior Ruan, to be honest, I used to respect you very much. Although you were instructed by Emperor Tongtian, it is undeniable that you saved my life. So, I hope we can cooperate once, in this case, no matter what It's good for everyone."

   "Junior Brother, if Master knows what you are doing now, you must be extremely disappointed." Mo Ya said solemnly, "I hope you can find your way back, it's not too late to turn back now."

   "Ruan Lang, don't listen to you." Qin Qianyu hurriedly said for fear that Ruan Lang would agree. "Fairy Qin, are you so afraid of death?" Leng Xuan said, "I believe that you are not afraid of death. If you were afraid of death, why did you use that method to seal yourself up? For those who have experienced death once Come on, I believe you are more afraid of death than we are. If I guess correctly, the Great Emperor Tongtian is already nearby, and if you don't go back, he will definitely come to you." As his voice fell, a familiar voice immediately Into his ears: "Leng Xuan, I really saw you right, but unfortunately, you can't be used by me."

   Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan raised his head and looked at the person who appeared above his head, who was the Great Emperor Tongtian. "Let them go." Hearing the words of the Great Emperor Tongtian, Leng Xuan shook his head, "If you can take us out, I will let them go, otherwise we won't talk." The Great Emperor Tongtian's tone remained unchanged, "You should be clear, you guys Not my opponent." Leng Xuan replied: "I believe you should have heard a sentence, it is better to be broken than tiles, the big deal is that we will fight for your life and death, and no one should think about it." Hearing this, the Great Emperor Tongtian frowned. With a wrinkle, a violent aura burst out from the body, like a mountain, pressing down on everyone.

"Leng Xuan, don't challenge my patience. Let them go, come with me, I only want your body. As for your soul, I will find another body for you. In the future, if I rule the world and rule the four worlds , you are a great hero, I will never treat you badly. How?" Leng Xuan smiled, "Your conditions are quite generous, but unfortunately, I have always been soft and not hard. Therefore, I advise you Or accept my conditions. You take us out, I let them go, and everyone will not suffer, how? "

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