The old man chuckled lightly: "Second brother, don't worry, we did underestimate the two of them back then, and we suffered so much. However, since we have learned our lesson, how can history repeat itself. For us, the most The important thing is how to save the realm of the gods. The spiritual energy of the fairy world is getting scarcer day by day, if there is no more spiritual energy injected, even if there is no war between us, the fairy world will be destroyed sooner or later."

Hearing this, the woman sitting on the side said: "We were originally going to transfer the spiritual energy of the world to the fairy world, but now, Hunyuan has already prepared and placed a seal on the world. Although we can break that seal, However, if we do this, it will definitely deplete a lot of our strength. At that time, Hunyuan may take the opportunity to attack." The middle-aged man hummed: "That guy Hunyuan is too cunning, we must not do this. , otherwise, he will definitely fall for him. In my opinion, it is better to gather all the power of God’s Domain, first destroy Hunyuan, and then destroy Tongtian. After the two of them are solved, let’s discuss the matter of saving Immortal Realm.”

"Second brother, don't be reckless, Hunyuan and Tongtian are not so easy to deal with, especially Hunyuan, since he dares to take root in the realm of the gods, he must have come prepared, let's be careful." The words fell, the woman Turning to look at the old man, he continued, "Brother, I don't know what you can do?" The old man stood up slowly, holding a wooden staff, and walked a few steps back and forth in the spacious hall, saying: "You know that the Immortal Realm is How did it form?"

   Hearing this, the woman and the middle-aged man looked at each other and shook their heads, "Brother, you are the first of the three of us to become king. You must know more than us."

The old man said: "Immortal world, secular world, exotic world of self-cultivation, and Xumi world, the four worlds are actually born out of nature. Among these four worlds, life in the fairy world first appeared, and then thousands of years later, the secular world Life in the world, the world of foreign cultivation, and the world of Xumi appeared one after another. Since the life in the fairy world appeared first, they developed faster than the life in the other three worlds. The people in the fairy world are also the first to come into contact with the way of heaven. ."

"Since the Tao of Heaven appeared, people in the immortal world began to get rid of mortal fetuses and became people with great magical power, surpassing mountains and seas, no problem. At that time, the lives of the other three worlds were still in primitive life. Not to mention the Tao of Heaven, they Even the spiritual wisdom has not been fully opened. In the following hundreds of years, people in the fairy world believed that they were the superior people and should rule the Quartet. Therefore, in the fairy world, there were often people entering and leaving the three worlds to teach skills and knowledge. The footprints left by the three worlds were later called miracles by people. Many years later, because of the guidance of the immortals, the people of the three worlds developed rapidly and had faintly come into contact with the way of heaven. At that time, the fairy world discovered a major If people from the other three worlds are also exposed to the way of heaven, wouldn’t they also be able to become a being similar to themselves? If so, how can the dominance of the fairy world be maintained?”

"Thinking of this problem, people in Immortal Realm are worried that their status will be threatened in the future, so they immediately send people to destroy all life in the three worlds. In addition, Immortal Realm is even more strict, and people in Immortal Realm are not allowed to enter and leave other worlds to teach skills at will. and knowledge.

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