"Really?" Mo Ya glanced at Leng Xuan in surprise, "Leng Xuan, I didn't expect you to have such a big face to ask the elders to help you. I don't know why?" Ting Guigu said, "Has Ruan Lang contacted you?" Mo Ya shook his head and said, "No, since he left last time, there has been no news. If the first elder wants to ask the whereabouts of his junior brother, he should ask Leng Xuan. Aren't they always together?"

   "It seems that you don't know anything." Guigu said, "Remember, if Ruan Lang contacts you, let me know immediately." Mo Ya didn't know why, but he still replied, "Yes, Great Elder."

   "Leng Xuan, what are you going to do next?" Guigu asked. Leng Xuan shook his head. On the way here, he had already told Guigu everything he knew. For the future, he has not yet made a decision.

"The Great Emperor Tongtian, the Great Emperor Hunyuan, and the Three Kings of the Divine Realm, these are not good people. If they continue to make trouble, there will be no good results in the Immortal Realm." Guigu said, "If we sit still and don't pay attention, we will definitely be punished. They will be destroyed." Hearing this, Leng Xuan asked, "I don't know what advice the seniors have?" Guigu said: "Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to fight with them and see who can have the last laugh."

  Leng Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head secretly, the matter is not as simple as Guigu said. If they want to join this kind of battle, they can't do anything with their current power alone. The Great Emperor Tongtian, the Great Emperor Hunyuan, and the Three Kings of the Divine Realm all have their own backing, and their strength is very powerful. Whether it is strength or power, he is not comparable to those people. Seeing that Leng Xuan didn't speak for a long time, Guigu couldn't help but say, "I know what you're thinking, but there is a saying that it's a good thing to do. If you're afraid of the future, you will definitely achieve nothing. No matter if we can succeed, at least we have to try. As long as you nod your head, Tianhuo Palace will definitely help you."

   "That...Elder, what are you talking about?" Mo Ya listened to the conversation between the two of them, but he didn't have a clue. "I'll tell you more about this later." Guigu waved his hands, "Leng Xuan, it's up to you to decide now."

  Leng Xuan pondered for a while, Guigu was right, if they did nothing, it would be equivalent to handing their fate into the hands of others. Whether it is Emperor Hunyuan, Emperor Tongtian, or the three kings of the Divine Realm, they are not good people. Moreover, once the three parties fight, it will definitely cause huge losses to the fairy world, and even they will be affected. What's more, he has come this far, if he backs down now, all his previous efforts will be in vain. Thinking of this, he said, "Senior, don't worry, since I've come here, I'll keep going."

   "Very good." Guigu smiled, "Even if it fails, at least we have worked hard. Okay, you have worked hard too, go down and rest first." Leng Xuan nodded and got up and left the hall.

   Leaving the hall, Leng Xuan did not go back to his room, but went directly to the place where Ling Xuejiu lived.

   "Leng Xuan." Seeing Leng Xuan coming in from outside the house, Ling Xuejiu immediately greeted him. After the two were seated, Leng Xuan said, "You have suffered these days." Ling Xuejiu shook his head and said, "It's alright, let's talk about it, you should be the one who really worked hard. If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have to suffer so much. ."

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