In desperation, Emperor Hunyuan went to the blood demon's territory alone, intending to deal with the blood demon by himself. At that time, no one believed that Emperor Hunyuan could succeed. However, Emperor Hunyuan went beyond everyone's expectations and sealed the blood demon in his body, so that the disaster of the blood demon disappeared from the fairyland. Since then, Emperor Hunyuan became famous in a battle, and the world knows it. And a few years after that incident, the Great Emperor Tongtian appeared.

   "Do you want to know, how did I seal the blood demon back then?" the demon emperor asked. Hearing this, Leng Xuan nodded again and again. When Han Lu told him about this, he was very curious, since Emperor Hunyuan's strength is far inferior to that blood demon, how can he seal the blood demon. This matter, except for Emperor Hunyuan himself, I am afraid that no one knows.

The demon emperor said slowly: "In those days, I waited for the opportunity and launched three sneak attacks in total, but all three failed. In the first two times, I was lucky enough to escape and did not fall into the hands of the blood demon. However, the last time During the sneak attack, I was unfortunately caught by the blood demon. At that time, I thought I was dead, but the blood demon did not kill me, but offered a condition." Leng Xuan asked: "What? condition?"

"The cultivation base of that blood demon has reached the bottleneck back then. As long as one more breakthrough is completed, it will be able to reach an unparalleled level. However, when it hit the bottleneck, it failed. The higher the breakthrough, the higher the level. The greater the price of failure, the blood demon is like this. When I made a sneak attack for the third time, it was the period when it failed to break through. Because it failed to complete the breakthrough successfully, its vitality was lost little by little. To save its own life, it made a condition to seal its blood demon soul in my body and use my soul power to nourish its blood demon soul. At that time, I had already fallen into its hands If you don’t agree, you will definitely die. No one is not afraid of death, what’s more, I just debuted at that time, full of ambition, how could I die so quickly, so I agreed to its request and sealed it in my body.”

   "And after that?" Leng Xuan asked. "I believe you know what happened after that. When I came back again, I was respected as a hero by the people in the fairyland, and my reputation was immeasurable." The Demon Emperor said, "In the following years, I concentrated on retreat, As my strength became stronger, the soul of the blood demon was gradually repaired. When the soul of the blood demon was fully recovered, I broke the seal and released it. The blood demon at that time was so powerful that it was impossible for me to release it. It is even easier to imagine and transform into a human form. From that time on, the blood demon began to walk in the fairyland in the image of an immortal, and gradually established its own power and became a famous figure in the fairyland."

   "What you said... Could it be the Great Emperor Tongtian?" Leng Xuan said in shock. The demon emperor nodded, "Yes, it's the Great Emperor Tongtian. His body is actually the blood demon, but no one knows about this except me. It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I dare not. Said. At first, the blood demon sealed the blood demon's soul in my body, nourishing its soul with the power of my soul. At the beginning, everything was fine. However, as time passed, the blood demon soul Some small changes are starting to happen.

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