Qian Dong had only heard of Xianlong Mountain, but had never been there, so Leng Xuan could not ask for the exact location, so he could only find it himself. All the way to the east, it took half a day for Leng Xuan to see a rolling mountain range in his sight. Coming to the mountain range, Leng Xuanfei landed on one of the towering peaks, and then looked around, searching for the Xianlong Mountain standing in it.

   However, most of the peaks in this mountain range are almost the same, no matter how you look at it, you can't tell the difference, and you don't know where the so-called Xianlong Mountain is. As Qian Dong said, this mountain range has no life, not to mention people, even birds and beasts are hard to see, only some withered ancient trees stand on the top of the mountain. After walking in the mountains for a while, Leng Xuan suddenly raised his body and came to a height of 100 meters. From the top down, everything becomes clear.

   At this time, he noticed that, not far from him, stood these four peaks. In this rolling mountain range, the four peaks do not look conspicuous. However, if you ignore the other peaks and only look at the four peaks, you will find a strange place. The heights of the four peaks are almost the same, and there is no difference in the shape of the mountains, like twin brothers. If these peaks were merely similar, Leng Xuan would not be too surprised. However, the four peaks were exactly the same, which surprised him. Unless it was done by human beings, otherwise, it is impossible for two identical peaks to appear, not to mention that there are a total of four peaks here.

   Moreover, the four peaks just formed a quadrangle, and the distance between each peak was the same. In this regard, Leng Xuan does not believe that this will be a coincidence. At the moment, he moved and accelerated towards the four peaks.

When    came to the front of the four peaks, Leng Xuan glanced around and found that there were many stones scattered on these peaks. Not only that, these stones are all square, although some have been mutilated, but this is enough to show that these stones are not naturally formed. Leng Xuan climbed one of the peaks, and then walked around. As he walked, he found the top of the mountain with traces that indicated that there should have been houses built here many years ago, but for some unknown reason, they were all destroyed. Walking to the edge of the mountain, Leng Xuan raised his eyes to look at another mountain not far away.

After taking a few glances, he suddenly found that there was a huge and smooth stone on the halfway of the mountain. There were many concave holes left on the stone. Judging from these traces, it seemed that someone had deliberately destroyed the same. In addition, Leng Xuan also found that there were some dark spots on the stone. At the moment, he unfolded his body, flew to the edge of the stone, and checked it carefully.

   "Sure enough!" After looking at it for a while, Leng Xuan nodded secretly. On this stone, there were originally inscribed characters, but because it was damaged by someone, the characters on it are no longer clear. After thinking for a while, he went to look at the other three peaks, and the situation was almost the same. According to his guess, the characters engraved on these four peaks should be the names of the peaks, or some introductions related to this mountain, but for some unknown reason, they were erased by others.

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