Upon seeing this, he frowned and immediately grabbed the phone. Turning on the phone, he found that the words "send successfully" appeared on it. The file sent by the other party was a video. When he clicked on the original video, as he expected, the video was the picture of him flying in the air just now, which was taken with a mobile phone.

   "Damn it." Leng Xuan cursed to himself, and quickly dialed the number of Faucet with his mobile phone. Now that the video has flowed out, I can only ask Faucet for help. The phone was connected, and after Leng Xuan informed the other party of what happened just now, Longtou said that he would deal with it immediately. After hanging up the phone, Leng Xuan used his confused eyes to clear the memory of the two reporters and the pilot on the helicopter. After everything was done, he got out of the helicopter and looked up at the giant tornado in the sky. "It turned out to be there." Until then, Leng Xuan discovered that around the giant tornado, there were several brilliantly radiant stones. Those stones were combined to form a huge formation, which just surrounded the tornado in the center.

   Immediately, he moved and rushed to the side of the formation, ready to destroy it. With the madness of the source power in the body, a dazzling light suddenly emerged in Leng Xuan's hands. "Broken!" Leng Xuangang clenched his fist tightly and struck straight at a spiritual stone in the formation. But listening to the loud bang of 'bang', a powerful air wave hit and pushed Leng Xuan out, but the spirit stone in the formation was not damaged at all, and still provided power to the tornado in the sky . Seeing this, he frowned and came to the edge of the formation again.

   He was mentally prepared for the power of this formation, and the Demon Emperor also mentioned it to him. After all, this formation was created by the three kings of the Divine Realm, how could it be so easily destroyed. Therefore, when he came, the demon emperor had already told him how to crack it. Reaching out his hand, he took out something that looked like a stone on the surface, but upon closer inspection, he found that there was a strong ray of light inside that thing. However, that light was forcibly suppressed by something outside. Leng Xuan carefully placed the thing beside the formation, and then quickly retreated into the distance.

   At the same time, the helicopters hovering around had already retreated, all of which were due to the dragon head. About two kilometers away, Leng Xuan took out another stone-like object and held it lightly. But after hearing a crisp sound of 'click', the thing shattered immediately. Along with his action, a loud noise suddenly came from the huge tornado in the distance. Immediately afterwards, a powerful air wave hit the surroundings from under the tornado. For a while, Leng Xuan felt a shock all over his body, and he stepped back uncontrollably.

   "So strong." Leng Xuan was secretly shocked. Inside that stone-like thing, there is a powerful and terrifying force. And that power was injected by the demon emperor. As the air wave disappeared, Leng Xuan rushed over immediately. However, what surprised him was that the formation still existed and was not damaged by the impact. "How could this be?" Leng Xuan frowned, thinking inwardly.

  The Demon Emperor said that as long as the power is strong enough, the formation can be destroyed. However, the demon emperor obviously underestimated the strength of the three kings of the gods, and underestimated the formations they laid.

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