Just engraving a formation method made the Demon Emperor panting and seemed very exhausted. Wiping the sweat on his face, the demon emperor said, "Let's go." In the next time, Leng Xuan followed the demon emperor to wander around the world of foreign cultivation.

   Every time he goes to a place, the demon emperor will engrave a formation. With the passage of time, before you know it, the day has passed. During this day, the demon emperor carved a total of five formations. However, looking at the appearance of the Demon Emperor, it seems that he wants to engrave more than these five formations. In this way, Leng Xuan followed the Demon Emperor and spent a total of three days outside, laying out nearly thirty formations, and then set off to return to the Demon Emperor City.

   "What's the effect of those formations you set up?" Leng Xuan asked curiously. The demon emperor said: "You will know soon." In order to engrave those formations, the demon emperor had a lot of wear and tear. Back in Demon Emperor City, he went back to his room without saying a word. It was not until two days later that the Demon Emperor appeared in front of Leng Xuan again. "Okay, everything that needs to be prepared is ready, the next step is the key to success or failure." After the words were finished, the demon emperor took out a purple stone from his arms and handed it to Leng Xuan's hand. "What is this?" Leng Xuan asked, looking at the purple stone in his hand. "This is the key to unlock the formation." The Demon Emperor replied, "Do you still remember the formations we laid out?"

  Leng Xuan nodded. He was no stranger to the world of foreign cultivation. He knew many of the places he went with the Demon Emperor this time. "Very good." The Demon Emperor said, "You will go to the north of the Demon Emperor City later. There are fifteen formations in total. You can activate those formations in the order I laid out that day, and hand over the other formations. Take responsibility for me. Remember, you must move quickly." Hearing this, Leng Xuan glanced at the three divine generals behind the Demon Emperor and asked, "Why didn't you tell them to go?" The Demon Emperor said, "They Your strength is not enough to motivate the spiritual stone I gave you." After explaining, Leng Xuan went on the road alone.

   Not long after, he arrived at the first formation. Taking out the purple spirit stone, he mobilized the source power in his body and introduced it into the spirit stone bit by bit. Suddenly, a splendid light burst out from it. Under the influx of light, the formation on the ground also opened, and the light overflowed. Seeing that the formation had been activated, Leng Xuan immediately put away the purple spirit stone, then unfolded his body and headed to the next location.

   There are a total of fifteen formations he wants to activate. Although each formation is far apart, with Leng Xuan's current strength, it won't take much time. In less than half an hour, he successfully activated all the fifteen formations. When all these formations were activated, huge beams of light were seen rising into the sky. Leng Xuan looked around and could clearly see more than twenty other beams of light standing high in the sky.

   Immediately, he moved and galloped straight to the Demon Emperor City. When he arrived, the demon emperor had already returned. Seeing Leng Xuan's return, the demon emperor nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work, Leng Xuan." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the three of Su Yanghe and said, "I have already explained the next thing to you, Qian Qian. Don't forget it." Su Yanghe responded quickly, "Yes." The demon emperor nodded, and then said, "Let's go, it's time for us to return to the Immortal Realm."

   Leaving the Demon Emperor City, Leng Xuan and the Demon Emperor soon returned to the Immortal Palace of Reception through the teleportation array not far outside the city.

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