And their upper body, the shape is not much different from humans, but they have eight hands, the head is like an inverted triangle, and the teeth are sharp and terrifying. Seeing those alien beasts gradually approaching here, Leng Xuan's heart couldn't help but lift.

  Looking at the travel route of those alien beasts, they should not come to the Temple of Destiny, but wandered around aimlessly, looking for targets to attack. The Hall of Destiny was built in a lush green forest, surrounded by formations. However, this formation was just an ordinary blinding technique, not an attacking formation. Therefore, Leng Xuan can only hope that those alien beasts will not discover the Hall of Destiny.

   However, the more you worry about things, the more they tend to happen. When those alien beasts were more than 200 meters away from the Hall of Destiny, they suddenly turned their heads to the direction of the Hall of Destiny. Seeing this, Leng Xuan was startled, looking at the actions of those alien beasts, it seemed that they had already discovered their existence. Sure enough, after hesitating for a few seconds, those alien beasts immediately swayed their bodies and quickly headed towards the Hall of Destiny.

   Seeing those alien beasts getting closer, Leng Xuan no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed out. In any case, these alien beasts cannot be allowed to destroy the Temple of Destiny. Following his movements, more than a hundred disciples of the outer hall of the Hall of Destiny moved their bodies together, followed closely behind him, and greeted those alien beasts together. Seeing the appearance of Leng Xuan and the others, the eyes of those alien beasts immediately turned red, and from time to time they made strange sounds, as if they were very excited. Leng Xuan was the fastest, and was the first to come into contact with those alien beasts.

   He fixed his gaze on one of the alien beasts, and then urged the Chiwu Sword to attack the alien beast.

   But after hearing the crisp sound of 'bang', as the Chiwu Sword approached, the eight big hands of the alien beast suddenly raised. Immediately, from the wrists of the eight big hands, a sharp object was protruding, about two meters long, like a sharp thorn. The alien beast waved its big hand and forcibly blocked the attack of the Chiwu Sword. Leng Xuan looked up and found that the thorns of the alien beast were not damaged in any way.

   After seeing the hardness of those thorns, Leng Xuan immediately changed his tactics. Withdrawing the Chiwu Sword, his figure flashed, and he quickly passed behind the beast, preparing to launch a surprise attack from behind. However, to his surprise, when he got behind the other side, the upper body of the alien beast turned around, turning the front body into the back body. Seeing the eight sharp thorns attacking, Leng Xuan didn't dare to make a hard connection, and hurriedly flew back.

   However, as soon as he retreated a few meters, he saw that the eight sharp thorns actually flew out from the hands of the alien beast, like arrows from the string, and the speed was so fast that they arrived in a blink of an eye. Leng Xuan did not expect that the alien beast would have such a move, and caught off guard, one of the sharp thorns flew along his arm, leaving a faint bloodstain. "I don't believe that I can't deal with you." Leng Xuan frowned, ignoring the wound on his arm, his figure flew out again, and rushed towards the alien beast. "Heaven-defying sword formation!" Four words were uttered, and Leng Xuan formed a seal on his hands.

In an instant, I saw the light flickering, the Heaven-shattering Sword, the Heaven-shattering Sword, the Heaven-shattering Sword, and the Heaven-shattering Sword. Four swords appeared at the same time, floating around the alien beast, like a huge square, trapping the alien beast. in the center. "Sky-defying sword formation, disillusionment!"

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