"Fairy Qin is referring to the matter of Emperor Hunyuan?"

   "That's right." Qin Qianyu nodded and said, "Emperor Hunyuan used his own power to force other forces to submit to him, and made the Immortal Realm panic. Isn't Hall Master Leng going to take care of it?"

"Control?" Leng Xuan said with a bottleneck on his face, "I want to ask Fairy Qin, how do you think I should manage? In terms of strength, I am not the opponent of Emperor Hunyuan, in terms of power... let alone. Even if I lead All the disciples of the Hall of Destiny made a move together, but they were no match for Emperor Hunyuan's army of alien beasts. Since they knew they couldn't succeed, why would they sacrifice everyone's lives in vain. What's more, I have been monitoring Emperor Hunyuan's every move, if the time is right. , I will do it myself."

"No, if it goes on like this, Emperor Hunyuan will soon unify the Immortal Territory. By then, everything will be too late." Qin Qianyu said in a hurry, "Leng Palace Master, as long as you are willing to take action, I will do my best to help. Leng Xuan shook his head, "No, I can't risk everyone's life."

   "You..." Qin Qianyu couldn't find words for a while, and after a long time, she spit out a sentence: "Did you forget my master's explanation?"

   "Explain? What did your master tell me?"

   "Didn't he ask you to do everything possible to stop Emperor Hunyuan? By doing this, didn't you live up to his expectations of you?"

   "Strange, how do you know your master told me like this? Have you met your master?" Leng Xuan asked. Hearing this, Qin Qianyu's eyes flashed a hint of panic, but he quickly regained his composure, "Without your help, how could I have seen my master, the reason I know is because you told me last time. Well, have you forgotten?"

"Is there?" Leng Xuan recalled for a moment, but couldn't remember, "Okay, let's not talk about this. Fairy Qin, don't worry, I have not forgotten what your master explained, I have my own measure, you don't have to worry. ."

"I hope so." After the words were finished, Qin Qianyu stood up, "Then I won't disturb the rest of Hall Master Leng. I will leave." When Qin Qianyu walked out of the room, Leng Xuan looked at the closed door, his eyes flickering uncertainly. .

   "Qian Dong, I'm going to go out. If it goes well, I'll be back in a short time. You can help me with the affairs of the Hall of Destiny."

   "Yes, Hall Master."

   In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed. And Leng Xuan has not heard from him since he left the Hall of Destiny. In the past half a month, Xianyu has changed a lot. The first is the establishment of Yin Yuandian. The Yin Yuan Palace is still the same Yin Yuan Palace back then. The only difference is that the current Yin Yuan Palace contains 80% of the forces of the Immortal Domain. To put it simply, the current Yin Yuandian has become the real ruler of Xianyu. And the master of Yin Yuan Palace, to everyone's surprise, was not Emperor Hunyuan himself, but Han Lu.

  No one knows why Emperor Hunyuan made this arrangement, but no matter who the master of Yin Yuandian is, everyone knows who the master of Yin Yuandian is. This is the first major event, and the other major event is related to the Hall of Destiny.

   Today after the official announcement of Yin Yuandian, the existence of the Temple of Destiny was also exposed and became a force known to everyone. And Leng Xuan's identity as the Hall Master of the Hall of Destiny is unknown to anyone who made it public.

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