Otherwise, Xianyu has been in chaos for so many years, and they will not stop it. More than a hundred years later, it was the time when the Great Emperor Hunyuan and the Great Emperor Tongtian first appeared. Among these two great emperors, Emperor Hunyuan was born more than ten years earlier. After the Emperor Hunyuan came out of the mountain at that time, he heard that the blood demon was in chaos and harmed the fairyland, so he decided to kill him. However, at that time, he had not grown up yet, so how could he be the opponent of the blood demon by his own strength. For this, Emperor Hunyuan himself knew it. So, he sent an invitation to many forces in Xianyu, hoping that they could send people to go to the north of Xianyu together to kill the blood demon. "

"However, at that time, Emperor Hunyuan had just come out of the mountain. First, he had no reputation, and secondly, he had no powerful forces to back up. Who would listen to him as a nobody. Therefore, no one responded to the invitations sent by Emperor Hunyuan. On the contrary. , those forces not only did not help, but sneered coldly, thinking that Emperor Hunyuan was beyond his own power. Maybe it was because he was young and arrogant, and in the absence of help, Emperor Hunyuan actually went to the north of Xianyu alone to find it alone. Blood demon. For so many years, Xianyu did not know how many powerhouses he had lost, and he was unable to kill the blood demon, let alone Emperor Hunyuan alone. Therefore, his failure was doomed. However, fortunately, , Although he failed, he escaped by luck and did not die at the hands of the blood demon. In the following years, he has been secretly acting in the blood demon's territory. "

"Until one day ten years later, Emperor Hunyuan took another shot and launched an attack on the blood demon alone. What everyone did not expect was that this time, he actually succeeded. No one knew the process, and he never I mentioned it to others. The only thing everyone knows is that Emperor Hunyuan did not kill the blood demon, but sealed it in his body. Because of this, his appearance became that way. This matter After that, Emperor Hunyuan became famous in Xianyu Domain, and no one knew his name, and the limelight was like nothing at all. At that time, Emperor Tongtian was born and got acquainted with Emperor Hunyuan."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan nodded, finally understanding what the blood demon seal was. At the same time, after listening to Han Lu's remarks, he felt a little respect for the Demon Emperor in his heart. No matter what the current demon emperor has become, at least he was pure in nature back then. Moreover, his courage and courage are commendable. "Alas, time can really change a person." Thinking of the comparison between the demon emperor back then and the demon emperor today, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Senior Han, do you know about Emperor Hunyuan's plan?" Hearing this, Han Lu shook his head and said, "I don't know, he rarely tells me this." After a pause, he continued, "I'm going to help him. ."

   "What?" Leng Xuan thought he didn't hear clearly. "I said I was going to help him." Han Lu repeated again. "Why?" Leng Xuan was secretly shocked. When he was in the Sealed Land that day, Han Lu didn't agree with the demon emperor's actions, but now he said he wanted to help the demon emperor. This kind of change made him a little unacceptable. "Actually, there's nothing to say." Han Lu said indifferently, "The culprit of all these things is God's Domain. Emperor Hunyuan wants to deal with God's Domain. I agree very much, but I don't agree with his methods.

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