Although they couldn't hear the sound, seeing the blood splashing around and the panic and despair on those people's faces, everyone's heart seemed to be blocked by something, and it was hard to breathe. At this moment, Xu Ling clenched his fists with both hands, his body trembled uncontrollably. From his heavy breathing, it could be seen that he was on the verge of rage at this time.

   "That is the residence of the Candle Dragon Temple." Mo Ya said solemnly. Leng Xuan nodded slowly. From Xu Ling's performance, he had already guessed it. However, he did not expect the Demon Emperor to be so cruel, to actually destroy the Torch Dragon Hall in front of everyone.

   "Great Emperor, you said that nothing will happen at this meeting." Xu Ling restrained his anger, gritted his teeth and said, his hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, blue veins bursting out.

"I said it, but what I said is that there will be no bloodshed in this hall. You have to listen carefully. It is only limited to the hall, and I can't guarantee it outside the hall. Well, Palace Master Mo, Wang Master, I don't know if you have made a decision yet?"

   "The Great Emperor is really good." Wang Yanhai said coldly, "However, it's not that easy to make me bow my head. Hall Master Xu!" As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly called out Xu Ling's name. Suddenly, Xu Ling's figure moved, jumped high, and stood upright in the air. At the same time, Wang Yanhai waved his hand, and a splendid red light flew out immediately. When the red light fell on the top of the Demon Emperor's head, it immediately bloomed and enveloped the Demon Emperor's body inside. "Let's go!" Leng Xuan looked at the red light, his heart moved, and he immediately galloped away from the palace with Mo Ya and Tong Zhong. As soon as the three of them left, the red light changed again.

  In the splendid red light, there is a red light spot, and the light spot is suspended in the center. But when the light flashed, the red light spots were divided into eight parts, which spread out to the surroundings, and were arranged regularly, like a huge gossip array. And the demon emperor sitting on the main seat is right in the middle of that gossip. "Heaven and earth will be destroyed!" Wang Yanhai and Xu Ling stood side by side in midair, working together to control the great formation in front of them. As the two changed their handprints, the large red array of light reappeared, and in the red light, a faint purple light appeared. The purple light was like a wave of water, spreading out layer by layer. When that layer of ripples unraveled, anything it came in contact with shattered.

   In just a moment, this magnificent palace was destroyed by the layers of ripples and turned into a pile of finely broken stones. At this time, Leng Xuan and the others stood 100 meters away from the palace, watching what was happening.

   With the cooperation of Wang Yanhai and Xu Ling, the Heaven and Earth Destruction Formation is getting bigger and bigger, and its coverage is getting wider and wider. Seeing the great formation rapidly approaching here, Leng Xuan hurriedly flew backwards, retreating hundreds of meters in a row, before the formation was completely finalized. At this moment, the Heaven and Earth Destruction Formation has enveloped the Candle Dragon Hall. With the purple ripples spreading out layer by layer, the buildings in the Candle Dragon Hall were destroyed one after another, as if a big earthquake had occurred, and there was an endless roar. Soon, in the dust, the huge Candle Dragon Hall turned into a gravel field. In addition to the destroyed buildings, a large number of Yin Yuandian's disciples who had not had time to escape also lost their lives under the purple ripples.

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