Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8200: Emperor Huiqun Immortals 7

"Tongtian is a rare friend," the demon emperor said. "When I met him, I was a hero and a hero. We were all young at that time, and you know, when people are young, there are always many things that don't work. Practical ideas, so do Babel and I. However, the difference between the two of us is that we have turned the 'impractical' into a reality. To do this, he and I have sacrificed a lot Although the process is a bit difficult, the ending is still satisfying. It’s a pity that if it weren’t for those guys in God’s Domain, Tongtian and I would not have been driven to a dead end.”

   "It's been so long, what's the use of you saying this now?" Leng Xuan said. The demon emperor smiled, "Yes, the story between me and Tongtian, I believe Tongtian has already told you, I don't know how he describes me, but I can guess a thing or two. Actually, I think there is a sentence You are right, people always have to go through some setbacks before they can become mature. Those things that happened in Divine Realm made me pay a heavy price. However, those prices also made me more mature, and I stopped learning the same as before. With full of enthusiasm, you will realize your ambition. Leng Xuan, if you want to do great things, you must learn to see through one thing."

Leng Xuan followed his words and asked, "What is it?" The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "The human heart. Only by seeing through the human heart can you dominate the overall situation. The human heart has always been the most complicated thing, because it is always changing. , you will never know what the human heart is like, just like me and Tongtian back then. There is a saying that is good, knowing the face but not the heart, this sentence is perfect for Tongtian. It's not so simple to believe in a person, and I won't fall to this point now." Leng Xuan shook his head, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know." The Demon Emperor smiled, "As you said just now, there is no need to mention the past, and it is useless to mention it. I don't need to say some things, you will know in the future. Okay, let's Having said that, I believe those people outside are already impatient." After speaking, he stood up and walked straight to the front hall. "What do you want to do when you called us here this time?" Leng Xuan asked, following his pace.

   "Such a simple question, I shouldn't have to tell you." Having said that, the two have come to the front hall. "Welcome to Yin Yuan Palace." Looking at the people sitting at the bottom, the demon emperor smiled and said, "I thought before that you would not...or dare not accept my invitation, but now it seems that I underestimated you. In any case, I am very happy to be here. As I promised you, there will be no bloodshed in this hall, so everyone can rest assured." As soon as the voice fell, only the Holy Snow God could be heard. The teacher Wang Yanhai said slowly: "The emperor invited us to come, I don't know why?"

"This question... Leng Xuan asked me just now. In fact, everyone should know it well, why do you have to tell me." The demon emperor smiled lightly, "The ending of Sanxiangong and Tongyang Sect, I believe Everyone already knows it. In the Immortal Realm today, the only ones that can catch my eye are the Holy Snow Sect, the Candle Dragon Temple, and the Tianhuo Palace. As for the other forces, if you say something unpleasant, to me, do you come here? It doesn't matter if you come. So this time, I just want to know the attitude of your three major forces." After speaking, he turned his attention to Xu Ling.

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