Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8196: Emperor's Fairies 3

"Tian Jue?" Qin Qianyu nodded and said, "Yes, Tian Jue is a fairy artifact created by my master, but strictly speaking, that fairy artifact cannot be called a fairy artifact, it is actually a fairy artifact. Formation. The full name of that formation is called Heaven and Earth Destruction. It is extremely powerful. Compared with Taolongzong's great formation of protecting the sect, it is no worse than that. Master has studied for hundreds of years before successfully transforming the Heaven and Earth Destruction Formation from a great one. Small, condensed dozens of times, and engraved it on an immortal weapon. In this way, just relying on that immortal weapon, it can exert the power of destroying the heaven and earth. However, because the array has been condensed a lot , so its power has also weakened a lot. But even so, Tian Jue is still a powerful immortal weapon. Lord Leng, why did you suddenly ask this?" Leng Xuan said: "At the beginning of the Holy Snow Sect When I discovered the old site of Taolongzong, I found some things in it, including Tianjue."

After a pause, he continued: "I got some news that the Holy Snow Sect seems to be planning to use the Heavenly Absolute to pay Yin Yuandian, do you think it will be possible?" As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Qianyu immediately shook his head and said, "Impossible, Although the power of Tian Jue is not weak, it is too far to be used to deal with Emperor Hunyuan." Leng Xuan nodded with a contemplative look on his face. Seeing this, Qin Qianyu said, "If you want to deal with Emperor Hunyuan, I have a way."

   "What way?" Leng Xuan asked. Qin Qianyu said: "This method still requires the help of Tian Jue. As I said just now, the Tian Jue is engraved with a miniature version of the Tian Jue Destruction Formation, so the power is relatively weak. If we can restore the Tian Jue Destruction Formation. If so, the power generated will definitely be several times stronger." Leng Xuan said thoughtfully, "Do you know how to restore the Heaven and Earth Destruction Formation?"

   "The Destruction Formation of Heaven and Earth is the formation method developed by my master. He taught me back then. If I could have Heaven's End, I should be able to restore it." Qin Qian said. "This... I'm afraid it's a little troublesome." Leng Xuan said. That piece of heaven is in the hands of the Holy Snow Sect, and he can't get it unless... thinking of that method, he shook his head gently, "Let me think about it again." Back in the room, Leng Xuan pondered to himself.

  Qin Qianyu meant to get Tian Jue out, but the only way to do this was to use the inner disciples of the Hall of Destiny. Ruan Lang explained to him before he left that the disciples of the inner hall were the core of the Hall of Destiny. For thousands of years, he would rarely use the disciples of the inner hall, and only used them to obtain some information. If he uses the disciples in the inner hall to get Tian Jue, it will definitely attract the attention of the Holy Snow Sect. At that time, the Holy Snow Sect will definitely doubt the people within itself. In this way, the disciples in the inner hall of the Holy Snow Sect will face great risks. Moreover, even if he got Tian Jue in his hands, he still couldn't be sure whether Qin Qianyu could successfully deal with the demon emperor.

   Once he fails, such a loss is unacceptable to him. " don't have to do it yourself." After thinking for a while, Leng Xuan suddenly thought of a solution.

   The next day, the mysterious man in purple reappeared in Leng Xuan's room. The two still didn't have any conversation, just handed a jade piece into his hand. "Palace Master." Shortly after the man in purple left, Qian Dong appeared in front of Leng Xuan.

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