Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8191: Lord of the Hall of Fate 1

  Leng Xuan looked at these palaces and said in amazement, "This is..." The young man smiled and said, "Welcome to the Hall of Destiny."

   "The Hall of Destiny?" Leng Xuan suddenly understood that this was the main hall of the Hall of Destiny. Could it be that Uncle Zhang would let him come here. As the young man came to the main hall of the Hall of Destiny, Leng Xuan saw Ruan Lang sitting on the main seat at a glance, "Senior Ruan." Ruan Lang nodded and pointed to the seat beside him, indicating He sits down. After he was seated, Ruan Lang looked at the young man and said, "Leng Xuan, let me introduce to you, his name is Qian Dong, and he has been in the Hall of Destiny for over a hundred years, so he will assist you in the future." Leng Xuan Startled for a while, he wondered: "Auxiliary? What do you mean." Ruan Lang said: "You are my chosen successor, and now you have proved yourself, so you will naturally take the seat of the Hall Master of the Destiny Palace. However, You don't know much about the Temple of Heaven, so I arranged for Qian Dong to be by your side, and you can ask him anything you don't understand."

   "Yes, I understand." Leng Xuan had already accepted the identity of the Hall Master of the Hall of Destiny. Because he knew that in order to deal with the Demon Emperor and the Divine Realm, he must first have his own power. Even so, he would be too lazy to refuse a few words of hypocrisy before accepting it. That is not his style.

   "Okay, Qian Dong, you go back first." Ruan Lang waved, Qian Dong saluted the two, and then exited the main hall. After he left, Ruan Lang said: "Qian Dong is a very talented person. Over the years, I have been cultivating him. Loyalty is no problem. You can use him with confidence." He stood up and said, "Come with me, I'll show you around." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately followed Ruan Lang and walked towards the back of the main hall.

   "The Temple of Destiny has been established for thousands of years, and it has been developing secretly. No matter what happens in the Immortal Realm, we will not interfere." As they spoke, they had come to a huge martial arts field. On the martial arts field, hundreds of immortals sat cross-legged and were practicing. And above their heads, a splendid light was suspended in mid-air, exuding a faint luster. "That's the Immortal Immortal Stone, which can absorb the spiritual energy to the maximum extent for them to cultivate." Ruan Lang said, "We have more than 1,000 members in the Hall of Destiny, and there are ten Shangxian." Leng Xuan nodded secretly, and the top ten Fairy, that sounds like a lot at first glance. However, compared to the Candle Dragon Temple and the Holy Snow Sect, they seem to be less powerful. Ruan Lang seemed to see his thoughts and said, "There are not many high immortals in the Hall of Destiny, but we have two golden immortals, which cannot be compared by other forces."

  Leng Xuan was startled, there were actually two golden immortals in the Hall of Destiny, which was indeed a bit unexpected. The other major forces in the Immortal Domain only have one Jinxian, while the Hall of Destiny has two. Based on this alone, the Hall of Destiny is enough to crush other forces. "Our Destiny Hall can be divided into the inner hall and the outer hall. The people you just saw are all disciples of the outer hall. For our hall of destiny, only the inner hall disciples are the real core." Ruan Lang Said, "The disciples of the inner hall are different from the disciples of the outer hall. The outer hall is mainly responsible for fighting, while the inner hall...their mission is to infiltrate. Let me tell you this, among all the forces in Xianyu, there are people from the hall of destiny. Hall disciple."

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