After a short pause, the Great Emperor Tongtian continued: "I guess that Primordial Yuan set up that space in the hope that someone can find it, so that as long as someone enters that space, they can follow the clues he left to find him, Let him change back to the Great Emperor Hunyuan back then. However, what he did not expect was that the space was not discovered until so many years later. Hunyuan not only made these arrangements, he also made arrangements for his subordinates back then. , such as Yan Ping. After the reincarnation of Hunyuan, his subordinates have been working in secret, attracting people everywhere, bribing people’s hearts, and preparing for the return of Hunyuan. Don’t underestimate the subordinates of Hunyuan, they have been secretly active in the fairyland for so many years , the power at his disposal is more terrifying than you imagine."

  Leng Xuan asked: "Great Emperor, I want to know, is Uncle Zhang your reincarnation?" Hearing this, Tongtian the Great couldn't help laughing, "If he is my reincarnation, then I don't exist anymore."

After a pause, he continued: "When Xianyu was destroyed, I rescued a group of people in time, took them to Xumi World, and built a city there, that city is Xianyin City, you have already been there. The purpose of building Xianyin City is mainly to create a peaceful world free from the rule and interference of the gods. However, I was still too naive at the time. Not long after the establishment of Xianyin City, the gods Then I discovered its existence. I believe you have already guessed the result. Not only everyone in Xianyin City was destroyed, but also the people in Xumijie were not spared, and I also fell into such an end. However, Before I died, I used my great power to receive the Sumeru Realm into the Ring of Heaven. In this way, the Divine Realm would not be able to find the whereabouts of the Sumeru Realm. By doing this, I could at least prevent the Sumeru Realm from being destroyed by the Divine Realm again. ."

   "If this is the case, the three kings of God's Domain are the real culprits, so should I join forces with the Demon Emperor?" Leng Xuan asked.

"No." The Great Emperor Tongtian replied, "I can tell you that if Hunyuan succeeds in revenge and seizes the dominion of the Divine Realm, then he will also become the next three kings of the Divine Realm. Hunyuan, like the three kings of the Divine Realm, will not It doesn't matter if those people live or die. If you let him rule, the result will be the same."

  Leng Xuan nodded, "I understand, but..." He hesitated, wondering whether to continue asking the question. "But what?" Emperor Tongtian asked. "But... I really want to know, if Uncle Zhang is not your reincarnation, then why does he look exactly like you?" Leng Xuan finally asked this question.

The Great Emperor Tongtian smiled and said: "It's actually very simple, you can regard him as my reincarnation or not. Back then, my body was destroyed, and there was only one remnant of the soul. So, I divided the remnant into two parts. Two, one part is what I keep now, and the other part has entered the reincarnation. However, the remnant soul is not like the Hunyuan, and it has become another person after reincarnation. On the contrary, my remnant Soul reincarnation has become a lot of people. When we reach our strength, the power of soul is already very powerful. Even if it is just a wisp of remnant soul, hundreds of people can be reincarnated. The Uncle Zhang and Ruan Lang you mentioned are actually me. That ray of remnant soul was reincarnated."

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