"But, I haven't found a way to leave Immortal Realm yet." Leng Xuan was a little helpless. If he could go back, he would have gone back earlier. Uncle Zhang said: "I know, this is the reason why I came to you. You should put aside the affairs of Xianyu, and finish other things before returning to Xianyu."

"Yes, I understand."

   The next day. Ruan Lang and Qin Qianyu took a group of disciples from the Tianhuo Palace to the former site of Taolongzong to rescue those disciples of Taolongzong who were still trapped there, while Leng Xuan followed Uncle Zhang and returned to the half-immortal realm. , rushing to Jieyin Asgard. With Uncle Zhang leading the way, Leng Xuan went smoothly without any obstacles. In less than half a day, the two of them arrived at the Immortal Palace. Last time, Leng Xuan came here once, and he was quite familiar with everything here.

   "This high platform will transport you to the world of comprehension in the human world. Remember, you only have ten days. After ten days, you must return to the Tenglong Hall, and I will pick you up there."

  Leng Xuan replied, "Don't worry, I'll be there on time." After he finished speaking, he moved and jumped onto the high platform. After a while, a splendid light burst out from the high platform, swallowing his body in the blink of an eye. In that light, Leng Xuan only felt his body tremble. This feeling lasted for about half an hour, and the light in front of his eyes suddenly disappeared. With the light restored in front of him, he found that he had returned to the main peak of Tenglong Temple.

   "Finally back."

   Back in the cultivation world, Leng Xuan saw Long Lingzi at first sight. Everything is the same as when he left. Seemingly feeling his presence, Long Lingzi, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes and cast his gaze over, "You boy..." Long Lingzi was startled at first, and then smiled: "I thought you weren't going to come back. It's over." Leng Xuan asked, "Old guy, how is the situation in the cultivation world recently?"

"Everything is fine, don't worry." After the words were finished, Long Lingzi paused and said, "By the way, where did you go after you disappeared from here last time?" Leng Xuan nodded secretly, that time, even he He didn't know that he would go to the Half Immortal Realm, so the others didn't even know his situation. Listening to Long Lingzi's question at this moment, Leng Xuan said, "I'm going to tell you, you won't believe it." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the top of his head. "Heaven?" Long Lingzi guessed. Suddenly, he seemed to have guessed something, and said with a look of horror: "You didn't go..." Leng Xuan nodded, "I did go to that place." After Leng Xuan's confirmation, Long Lingzi couldn't wait to ask Said: "Tell me, what is it like there?" At the moment, Leng Xuan briefly described the fairy world. After listening, Long Lingzi exclaimed: "So there is still a half-immortal territory there, I said... boy, can I go to the half-immortal territory?"

   "This... shouldn't be a big problem." If it was before, it would definitely be difficult to achieve. But now it is different, now he has become a real fairy. With his means, and with the assistance of foreign objects, Long Lingzi's cultivation can be improved to a half-immortal. After talking with Long Lingzi, Leng Xuan said: "It's almost there, I should go." Long Lingzi said in surprise: "Let's go again? ?"

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