"Senior Giant Spirit? Okay, I understand." Taking the dragon eyeball, Qin Qianyu said, "The few spirit stones you gave me can at most launch one attack. After the attack together, those spirit stones will It will be worn out. If we can't succeed, then we will not only lose the protection of the Protector's Great Array, but also face them." After speaking, she turned her eyes to Yang Hong. Hearing this, Leng Xuan suddenly hesitated. As Qin Qianyu said, if they cannot succeed, they will face the siege of the Holy Snow Sect. Moreover, the Protecting Sect Great Array has been opened, and if this continues, it will not be long before those few spirit stones will be consumed. By that time, even if they wanted to use the Protector Array to launch an attack, there would not be enough spirit stones to mobilize them. Therefore, for now, the only way to be safe is to use the Sect Protector Array to protect the safety of the two of them and the other Taolong Sect disciples.

   As for the giant spirit fairy, that can only be saved later. Anyway, there are still a lot of spirit stones in Mo Ya, and he can go back to the Heavenly Fire Palace to get those spirit stones. Thinking of this, he immediately made a decision. It's better to be safe than risky. At this time, I saw Guang Zhong leading a group of disciples of the Holy Snow Sect galloping towards here. In the hands of the disciples of the Holy Snow Sect, they were carrying a disciple of the Taolong Sect. Those Taolong Sect disciples are still in a coma and haven't woken up yet. "Everyone is here." Yang Hong pointed to those Taolong Sect disciples and said. Qin Qianyu counted the number of people and nodded, "Put them over there."

   Hearing this, Yang Hong waved his hand, and the disciples of the Holy Snow Sect immediately obeyed his instructions and put those Taolong Sect disciples on the ground. "Okay, you can go."

   "Vice leader." Guang Zhong was a little unwilling, but Yang Hong didn't say much, but directly led the crowd to the exit. Seeing them go away, Leng Xuan was afraid that they would cheat, and said, "I'll follow you there." It wasn't until he saw Yang Hong and the others leave that Leng Xuan felt relieved. It seemed that things went better than he imagined. . Back at Qin Qianyu's side, Leng Xuan asked, "How are their conditions?" Qin Qianyu shook his head and said, "Something is wrong."

   "What's wrong?" Leng Xuan approached a disciple of the Taolong Sect and asked. Qin Qianyu replied: "The kind of liquid we soaked in can keep people dormant for a long time. However, as long as they leave the liquid, they will wake up in a short time. However, it has been so long, these disciples There is no sign of waking up yet." Hearing her say this, Leng Xuan's heart moved, and said, "It won't be those guys from the Holy Snow Sect to them..." Although he didn't finish his words, his meaning had already been expressed. It's clear. "I'll check." With that, Qin Qianyu lifted up one of the disciples and put his hand on his back.

   After a while, I saw the face of the Taolong Sect disciple turned pale, and he opened his mouth to spit out a stream of blood. Seeing this, Qin Qianyu immediately released his hand, "You're right, there is indeed something wrong with their bodies."

"These bastards." Leng Xuan couldn't help cursing, he was still wondering just now, how could Yang Hong be so refreshing, it turned out to be a trick in secret, "Is it a big problem?" Qin Qianyu shook his head and said: " I don't know, the only certainty is that they were all poisoned."

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