The woman replied: "Yes, I am the emperor's apprentice, Qin Qianyu. You haven't told me how this Tongtian ring got into your hands." Leng Xuan said: "This thing... Although it is not the Tongtian Emperor. He gave it to me personally, but got his permission." Hearing this, Qin Qianyu's emotions immediately became agitated, and his voice trembled: "You master is still alive?"

"Let's put it that way." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Not long ago, I met the Great Emperor Tongtian, but his current condition is not very good." After a pause, he asked: "Why are you staying there? ?"

"In those days, the destruction of Taolongzong was imminent, and my master's life and death were unknown. In order to continue the blood of Taolongzong, we chose to let the body dormant to spend a long time. Those liquids can ensure that our physical body will not die, and It can also keep us in a state of suspended animation. If no one wakes us up, we will continue to fall asleep." After listening to Qin Qianyu's remarks, Leng Xuan sighed secretly, and he also knew that although the immortals could be immortal Immortality, but that is only relative, it is not that there is no time limit at all, it is just that the time is much more than that of mortal cultivators.

   Qin Qianyu did not know that she had been sleeping in that container for tens of thousands of years. "By the way, what about my companions?" Hearing this, Leng Xuan said, "They were taken away by the people of the Holy Snow Sect."

"You... can you help me save them?" Facing Qin Qianyu's pleading gaze, Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, but I can't guarantee success." After all, what he had to face was The people of the Holy Snow Sect, "Hey, since you are the apprentice of the Great Emperor Tongtian, you should know everything about the Taolong Sect." Qin Qianyu nodded, "What do you want to know?" Leng Xuan said: "Is the guardian formation of your Taolongzong still there?"

"The Great Array of Protecting the Sect?" Qin Qianyu asked, "Do you want to use the Great Array of Protecting the Sect to deal with those people of the Holy Snow Sect?" Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "No, I have another use. If you can help If I activate the Great Array of Protecting the Sect, then I will be sure to rescue your comrade." Qin Qianyu thought for a while and replied, "Okay, I will show you the Great Array of Protecting the Sect, and you will help me save mine. companion."

   "Deal." Leng Xuan smiled. As long as the Protecting Sect Great Array is activated, the Giant Spirit Immortal will be rescued. With the powerful strength of the Giant Spirit Immortal, let alone the Holy Snow Sect, even adding a candle dragon hall would not be a problem. "How is your body recovering?" Leng Xuan asked with concern. "The body has been inactive for too long, so I have to rest for a while." Qin Qianyu said. "Okay, then you rest first, and I'll go out to check the situation." After speaking, Leng Xuan got up and walked out.

   As soon as he came outside, Leng Xuan heard a disciple of the Holy Snow Sect shouting loudly: "Vice Cult Master Yang is here." Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan's heart moved, Yang Hong is here? Not long after, he saw hundreds of disciples of the Holy Snow Sect rushing towards the palace in the center of the Taolong Sect. Leng Xuan hesitated for a moment, then changed his face, followed closely behind everyone, and walked towards the palace. There are hundreds of disciples of the Holy Snow Sect gathered here at the moment, and no one should notice him if he pretends to be. After entering the palace, Leng Xuan saw Yang Hong sitting high in the main seat at a glance.

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