Leng Xuan took a few glances and saw those people gathered together, pointing, not knowing what they were talking about. From their actions, it seems that there is something in between that attracts them. However, due to the large number of people, his sight was blocked and he could not see clearly. "What could it be?" he wondered. After a while, I saw those people began to spread out to both sides. Immediately afterwards, two men carried a person and walked out of the crowd.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately turned his attention to the person being carried. "Dead man?" He was surprised to find that the person being carried was already dead. Judging from the characteristics of his body, it should have been dead for a long time. "Wouldn't it be a former disciple of Taolongzong?" Just as this thought popped into his mind, he saw more than ten people walking out of another building. Not only that, but the hands of the dozen or so people were also carrying one person, most of them were men, and only a few were women. Leng Xuan saw that the clothes of those men and women were wet, as if they had just been lifted out of the water.

   In addition to this, what shocked him even more was that the people who were brought out by the people behind were still alive. This can be seen from their slightly undulating chests. "No, it's been so many years, is there anyone still alive in the Taolong Sect?" Leng Xuan was a little unbelievable. However, everything in front of him told him that this seemed to be the truth. Leng Xuan counted them one by one and found that there were nearly a hundred of those who carried them out. Those people were all placed in one of the buildings and were guarded by special personnel. However, in front of the building, the crowd did not disperse, and it seemed that there were more important things inside.

   After a while, someone came out of the building and yelled something at the people outside. Soon, those onlookers dispersed. Seeing this, Leng Xuan's eyes swept away, seeing no one around, he immediately moved his body and rushed towards the entrance of the building. When he arrived at the door, he carefully poked his eyes in, and after confirming that there was no one, he continued to move in. Not long after he walked in, a passage appeared in his eyes. That passage is in the corner of the room, it should be a secret passage. Just as he was about to enter the passage, he heard a voice coming from the passage.

  Leng Xuan's complexion changed, he turned his head to look around, but the room was empty and there was nothing to block it. At the moment, he gritted his teeth, jumped high, and pressed his body to the top of the room. As soon as he finished this action, he saw several people walking out of the passage.

   "Hey, what do you think is in there?"

   "What else could it be, of course it's a human being. However, it should be a very important person, otherwise, how could that thing be so difficult to open."

   "That's true. I didn't expect that after so many years, those people are still alive. It seems that there is nothing wrong in those ancient books. The Taolong Sect was indeed the largest force in the Immortal Realm."

   "Unfortunately, we have been searching here for so long, but haven't found any clues about the Sect Master of Taolong Sect."

   While talking, those few people have already left. After confirming that they would not return, Leng Xuan fell from the top of the room. Thinking back on the conversations he had just heard, he was secretly surprised, but he didn't expect these guys to know Taolongzong.

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