Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8162: Han Lu's clearance 4

Mo Ya got up and said: "I sent someone to the Candle Dragon Hall yesterday to investigate the situation. I just received the news that the foundation of the Candle Dragon Hall has been destroyed. However, thanks to Hall Master Xu and the others who transferred the disciples in time, the loss of personnel is not very large. Great. At present, that demon emperor has already occupied the Candle Dragon Hall and regarded it as his base camp."

  Leng Xuan nodded secretly, now that the demon emperor has those alien beasts to help him, his strength has soared, he must do everything possible to establish and expand his power in the fairyland. And the only quick way is to annex other forces. With his understanding of the demon emperor, the other party will definitely do this. Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said: "Palace Master Mo, we must remind other forces as soon as possible to let them be careful of the demon emperor." Mo Ya replied: "Don't worry, I will send a letter to inform them." After a pause, he asked again. Said: "By the way, has there been any news from my junior brother yet?" Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "Senior Ruan has something to deal with, but if he knew about the appearance of the demon emperor, he would definitely come as soon as possible."

   "I hope so." Mo Ya felt helpless. Since they came back to Tianhuo Palace, Leng Xuan kept silent about Emperor Hunyuan. It's not that he doesn't want to tell Mo Ya, it's just that he has too many scruples. And now, what he is worried about is that what happened in the past will repeat itself. Back then, Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian joined forces to pierce the sky, causing chaos in both the Immortal Realm and the God Realm. Although there is only the Demon Emperor now, but with the character of the Demon Emperor, it will only get crazier. After thinking for a while, Leng Xuan asked, "Palace Master Mo, is there no one in this fairyland who can stop the Demon Emperor?" Hearing this, Mo Ya said, "Are you talking about the existence of Jinxian?"

  Leng Xuan nodded. "Jinxian... It's not that there is none." Mo Ya pondered for a while, and then said, "Actually, in our Tianhuo Palace, there is a Jinxian." Leng Xuan was shocked: "Really?" Mo Ya replied: "Actually, not only our Tianhuo Palace, but also other forces, there are Jinxians. This is not something unknown. It's just that Jinxian rarely asks about Immortal Realm. Once their strength reaches the level of Jinxian, they will The only thing we want is to enter the Divine Realm. Unless it is a major matter of life and death, otherwise, we will not alarm Jin Xian." Leng Xuan said: "The current situation should be worth Jin Xian's shot, right?" Mo Ya shook his head and said. : "The current situation is still unclear, let's take a look at it first."

   In the blink of an eye, three days passed. Listening to the report of the spies from the Tianhuo Palace, since the demon emperor occupied the candle dragon hall, there has been no movement. However, Leng Xuan doesn't think so. If the Demon Emperor doesn't act now, he must have a bigger plan. "I can't waste time like this." In the room, Leng Xuan thought to himself. No matter what plan the Demon Emperor has next, it will definitely have a big impact on Xianyu. If he stayed like this, once the demon emperor shot at him, there was nothing he could do to stop him. At that time, there will be no other Han Lu to help. Therefore, he must make himself stronger as soon as possible. "Looks like it's going to be done as soon as possible," he muttered to himself.

   The next day, Leng Xuan bid farewell to Mo Ya. "Are you leaving?" Mo Ya was very surprised and asked, "What are you going to do?" Leng Xuan didn't explain his purpose, just said that he had something to deal with.

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