Soon, thousands of immortals retreated to the rear. Leng Xuan glanced around, frowning secretly. There is only one passage to go in and out of this place. Even if you retreat to the back, it is still a dead end. Unless you can cross those alien beasts, you will have the opportunity to rush out. At this time, Mo Ya was only heard in shock: "Look at it."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned to look. Immediately, the alien beasts wore all the armor scattered around the stone platform on their bodies, picked up the swords on the ground, and armed themselves. Seeing the actions of those alien beasts, Leng Xuan's heart immediately sank to the bottom. Until this moment, he didn't know that the equipment here was all made for those alien beasts. The strength of those alien beasts is already very strong. If there is such equipment to help... Leng Xuan can't imagine it. "What is Emperor Hunyuan going to do?" he thought to himself. At this moment, watching those alien beasts approaching step by step, everyone has no way to retreat.

Xu Ling and Yang Hong glanced at each other, and then they heard the two voices in unison: "Come on together." For a while, all kinds of immortal artifacts were flying in the air, and the brilliant rays of light accompanied by bursts of loud noises, directed at those strange people. The beast rushed away. Soon, the attacks of thousands of immortals fell on those alien beasts. However, wearing armor made of Thai tooth gold, the defense of these beasts has reached a perverted level. Any attacks that land on them do no damage.

   More than two hundred alien beasts stood together, lined up like an iron wall, no matter how strong the attack of the crowd, they would not be able to break through that line of defense. And every time those alien beasts make a move, they will take the life of one or several immortals. In just a moment, hundreds of immortals were killed or injured. After such a futile offensive continued for a while, everyone retreated again, and no one dared to step forward. In the face of these alien beasts that can't be killed no matter how they fight, they have lost their courage, and even the powerhouses of the major forces have chosen to retreat rather than confront them head-on. Leng Xuan looked at the alien beasts approaching step by step, and his heart couldn't help but move.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw the spirit daffodil beast burrowed out and screamed at those alien beasts. Since the narcissus beast was able to communicate with these alien beasts just now, it may be possible to stop them from attacking now.

   However, although his idea is very good, those alien beasts seem to refuse to communicate with the narcissus beast, and are still approaching the crowd. Seeing that those alien beasts were still more than ten meters away from him, Leng Xuan's heart couldn't help but mention it. However, when those alien beasts walked ten meters away from the crowd, they all stopped, like a thick copper wall surrounding the crowd. "What are these guys trying to do?" Seeing those alien beasts standing motionless, neither attacking nor retreating, everyone couldn't help but wonder. At this time, a dull voice suddenly entered the ears of everyone from behind the beasts, "Fellow immortals, you are polite."

   Hearing the voice, Leng Xuan suddenly felt a little familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember who the owner of the voice was. Just as he was thinking to himself, he saw a few strange beasts in the middle slowly separating to the sides, making way for them. After that, a young man walked slowly from behind the alien beast. Seeing the young man, everyone's faces couldn't help but be startled, "Why is he?"

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