At the moment, he casually said a few words, only saying that he got this beast by accident, and he was not too aware of the origin of this beast, so as to dispel the curiosity of everyone, although some people suspected that what he said was not the truth. , but also did not ask too much, after all, everyone has their own secrets. After that, he walked quickly to Mo Ya's side and continued to move forward with the team.

   At this time, the members of several major forces have all united together, nearly two hundred people. A group of people marched straight into the passage. No one has come to the passage behind this deep pit, so everyone dared not be careless and proceeded cautiously. In the back of the team, there are also a large number of loose immortals.

   As before, Leng Xuan and the members of Tianhuo Palace were in the center of the team. That way, they have some buffer time wherever danger occurs.

  As the crowd marched, it didn't take long for them to reach the depths of the passage. It was a huge, empty space that could hold thousands of people. In the center of the space, there are dozens of huge stone platforms. What surprised Leng Xuan was that those stone platforms were like assembly lines, with various completed or unfinished armors and sharp weapons placed on them. On the other side, there are many sharp blades hanging, all of them are finished.

   Not only that, those swords and sharp weapons are not the size of ordinary swords, at least several times larger. The stuff in this space looks like an arsenal.

   It’s not just Leng Xuan who is curious, but others too. "How can there be such a place in this sealed land?" Mo Yun asked strangely. While talking, everyone came to those stone platforms, looked at the armor and weapons on them, and became suspicious. Leng Xuan held one of the swords and held it in his hand. I saw that the length of the sword was about two and a half meters, which was taller than his people. From the shape of the swords, it can be seen that these swords and armors were not used by immortals after they were made. Moreover, there are many materials scattered around these stone platforms, as well as unfinished weapons. It can be seen that the people who made these things left in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to clean up.

   "Palace Master Mo, what do you think?" Leng Xuan turned his head and asked Mo Ya. Mo Ya shook his head, "It seems that we are going to come back without success this time." Although there are many weapons here, they are not suitable for immortals to use. Moreover, apart from weapons, there are no other treasures. Leng Xuan looked at a piece of armor on the stone platform, went up to look at it carefully, and asked, "Palace Master Mo, what material is this armor made of?" Hearing this, Mo Ya walked closer and looked at it. Look, and then press on it with my hand again. After a while, he looked startled and said, "Is this thing..." Before he could finish speaking, I saw that he used the power of the source, gathered it to the fingertips, and pointed to the armor.

   When his fingertips landed on the armor, a faint light like a wave of water immediately spread out on the surface of the armor. Leng Xuan noticed that after the armor was attacked by Mo Ya, it immediately sunk into it. However, in the blink of an eye, the sunken part was restored to its original state, and it didn't seem to be damaged in any way. "Sure enough!" Seeing the change in the armor, Mo Ya nodded, his face a little surprised.

   "Palace Master Mo, do you know what material this is?" Leng Xuan asked.

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