However, in the blink of an eye, the thing was retracted into the deep pit. "Are you okay?" Mo Ya asked with concern. Leng Xuan shook his head and secretly exhaled. Fortunately, he took a step back in time, otherwise, he would have been pulled into the deep pit now. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and asked the crowd, "Did anyone see what it was just now?"

"It seems to be a tongue." Lin Shuixian replied, "The speed is too fast, I can't see it very clearly." Leng Xuan said: "No matter what is under this deep pit, it must be the person who passed by using the thing just now. Drag in."

   Zuo Shangxian suggested: "How about we use puppets to explore the situation?" After hearing this, Yang Hong thought for a while and agreed to his proposal. Soon, a fairy puppet was ready. Under Yang Hong's control, the immortal puppet moved his body and galloped straight towards the opposite side of the passage. However, when it passed through the middle of the pit, the red thing appeared again. Everyone has not yet seen clearly, that thing has wrapped around the fairy puppet and pulled it into the deep pit. Seeing that the immortal puppet disappeared, everyone immediately focused their attention on Yang Hong, "Vice Cult Master Yang, how is it, have you found it?"

   Yang Hong closed his eyes, still controlling the fairy puppet through his mind. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and frowned, "No, that immortal puppet was destroyed. The time was too short to find out what happened. The only thing that is certain is that the thing below is very powerful." Leng Xuan Nodding secretly, although the overall strength of the immortal puppet is not stronger than that of the immortal, the strength of the body is still very good. In just one or two breaths, the immortal puppet was destroyed, which is enough to show the powerful strength of the thing below. Yang Hong discussed with everyone for a while, but said helplessly: "It seems that it will be difficult for a while, let's go, let's go to Hall Master Xu to have a look."

The immortal on the side heard their conversation and said, "It's useless for you to go to the other side. We just came from there." Yang Hong asked, "What happened there?" The situation is the same as here, and they were also blocked by the pit. When I came from there, they had already sent people to investigate the pit, and they lost a lot of people."

   "Anyway, go to his side first." At the moment, Yang Hong ordered a few people to stay here, while the others went to the next passage. After a while, everyone joined the people from the Candle Dragon Temple and the Tongyang Sect. Just like the deep pit they saw in that passage, there is also a deep pit in the passage through which the Candle Dragon Hall passes. Not only that, the length of this deep pit was even longer than the one Leng Xuan had seen, more than ten meters.

   When Leng Xuan arrived, he happened to see several disciples in the Torch Dragon Hall pulling a chain and slowly withdrawing from the deep pit. But when the end of the chain was pulled to the ground, I saw that the end of the chain was covered with blood, not only that, but there were remnants of flesh and blood on it. After listening to Xu Ling's remarks, Leng Xuan realized that it turned out that the Torch Dragon Palace had tied a corpse with chains and put it into a deep pit. As a result, not long after the corpse was put down, the person above felt the chain shaking. When they pulled the chain up, the corpse tied to it was gone, only a pile of flesh and blood. From this, it can be inferred that there should be alien beasts under this deep pit.

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