Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8144: Taolongzong deputy suzerain 2

  Everyone looked around, shook their heads and said, "I didn't see it."

   Yang Hong frowned and said, "Did he not come out?" Hearing this, Mo Ya immediately rushed to the palace gate and attacked the stone gate with all his strength. However, no matter how he attacked, there was no sign of damage to the stone gate.

   At this time, in the underground palace, Leng Xuan slowly walked out from behind a stone pillar. When everyone went out just now, he did not follow behind, but stayed alone while they were not paying attention. Standing in the seventy-two golden coffins, Leng Xuan glanced around and said, "Can you come and see me?"

   "You are so brave, aren't you afraid of death?" The mysterious voice sounded again. Leng Xuan looked calm and asked, "Are you a subordinate of the Great Emperor Tongtian?" After speaking, he took out the dragon ring and held it high above his head, "If you know the Great Emperor Tongtian, then you should know this thing."

   "Tongtian Ring?" The mysterious voice exclaimed in surprise, "Why is the Tongtian Ring in your hands?" Leng Xuan said, "Naturally it was given to me by the Great Emperor."

   "Are you a descendant of the Great Emperor?" As soon as the sentence came out, he denied it to the convenience, "Impossible, if you were the descendant of the Great Emperor, how would you not know my identity. Besides, your strength is too poor."

"It seems that you have been here for too long and know nothing about the outside world. Do you think it is still the world of the Great Emperor Tongtian and the Great Emperor Hunyuan? I'm not afraid to tell you that the two of them died many years ago. ."

   "'s impossible...impossible..."

   "Nothing is impossible." Leng Xuan said, "Senior, it's very tiring to talk like this, why don't you show up?" As his voice fell, a person slowly walked out of the dark corner of the underground palace. It was a middle-aged man, very thin, with scars all over his face, looking very ferocious. Not only that, the other party's two sleeves were empty, and he seemed to be missing his right and left hands, and he was swaying as he walked.

   "In Xia Leng Xuan, what do you call senior?" Leng Xuan asked.

   The middle-aged man said with a face of vicissitudes: "Han Lu, the deputy suzerain of Taolongzong."

"Vice Sect Master of Taolong Sect?" The name surprised Leng Xuan, "I thought all the disciples of Taolong Sect were dead." Han Lu said indifferently: "What is the difference between my appearance and death. "After a pause, he continued: "You said just now... the Dragon Dragon Sect has been destroyed? Also, the Great Emperor Connected Heaven has fallen, how can the Dragon Dragon Sect be preserved?"

   "Senior, you must have been here for many years, right?"

   "I've forgotten how many years." Han Lu's eyes were filled with sadness and despair. There is no greater sorrow than death, perhaps that is what he looks like now. "Tell me about the outside world."

  Leng Xuan nodded, and immediately told Han Lu everything he knew. "Sure enough!" After listening to his story, Han Lu shook his head and said, "The style of God's Domain has not changed at all. They have destroyed everything related to the two great emperors, and no one knows their existence. You say you see Have you passed the Giant Spirit Immortal?"

   "I've seen him, he... Back then, when the Great Emperor Tongtian fought against the Divine Realm, he was captured by the Divine Realm and imprisoned in a separate space."

   "Alas, none of the brothers who followed the Great Emperor to conquer the world ended up well." Han Lu sighed softly. After a pause, he asked, "Did you bring those people to open the seal?"

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