Zuo Shangxian said: "I'm afraid this gate can't be opened by brute force. If you look around, maybe you can find some mechanism."

   However, everyone searched for a long time, but did not find any mechanism that could open the door. At this time, Leng Xuan walked directly to the door, looked at the symbol in the center of the door, and thought to himself. Noticing his actions, Mo Qianyin asked, "Little brother, what did you find?" Leng Xuan shook his head, and instead of answering, he put his finger into the hole in the center of the symbol. "Huh!" For some reason, Leng Xuan looked at the hole, and something involuntarily appeared in his mind. The concave hole is not large, just enough to put a finger in. And this size is very similar to the dragon ring.

  Since the seal here was set by the Great Emperor Tongtian, then this gate is likely to use the dragon ring as the key. It's just that the effect of the dragon ring has been integrated with his body. Today's dragon ring is just an ordinary ring, I don't know if it is useful. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and said to Yang Hong: "Vice Sect Master Yang, please step back a little, I may be able to open this door." Hearing this, Yang Hong immediately ordered everyone to stand back ten without saying a word. Dom.

   Through the previous performance, everyone has unconditional trust in Leng Xuan. Seeing that everyone retreated, Leng Xuan took out the dragon ring. The reason for letting them retreat is mainly because they don't want them to see the dragon ring. Otherwise, once the other party asks, he doesn't know how to explain it. With his back to everyone, Leng Xuan blocked everyone's sight with his body, and then carefully put the dragon ring into the hole. To his surprise, when the dragon ring was placed in the concave hole, a suction force immediately came out of the concave hole, which firmly sucked the dragon ring. Immediately afterwards, the smooth surface of the dragon ring suddenly showed thick striped lines.

   After a while, a splendid light centered on the concave hole quickly spread around, and in the blink of an eye, the light enveloped the door. Hearing a soft click, the door slowly opened to both sides. "Open!" The people behind suddenly stared straight in admiration. "Palace Mo, who is this little brother?" Zuo Shangxian couldn't help asking. Mo Ya smiled indifferently and said, "He is an important disciple of our Heavenly Fire Palace."

   Hearing Mo Ya highlight the word 'important', everyone couldn't help but discuss. "He won't be the direct disciple of Palace Master Mo, the future Palace Master of Tianhuo Palace, right?"

   "There is a possibility." Hearing everyone's guess, Yang Hong looked at each other and looked at Mo Ya in unison. Seeing the mysterious smile on the other side's face, he couldn't help but nodded secretly. Recalling the previous maintenance of Leng Xuan by Mo Ya, everyone probably guessed Leng Xuan's identity correctly. If so, then their attitude towards Leng Xuan will change. Before everyone came forward, Leng Xuan quickly put away the dragon ring.

   "Little brother, how did you open this door?" Sure enough, someone couldn't help being curious and asked. Leng Xuan said casually: "It's just good luck." After he finished speaking, he didn't say more, and walked quickly into the door.

   Entering the gate, Leng Xuan looked around and saw a huge underground palace built of stones behind the gate. The area of ​​the underground palace is very large, even if it accommodates thousands of people, it will not be a problem.

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