However, this feeling only lasted for a short time and then disappeared.

   "It seems that the eye of confusion has played a role." He secretly rejoiced that he bet right, the effect of the eye of confusion can really offset the gaze of those faces. However, according to the current situation, after a while, the souls of everyone will be absorbed by the surrounding Immortal Swallowing Stones. Seeing this, his mind moved, and the Chiwu Sword burst out of the air, hovering above everyone's heads. Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a clanking sound of the sword, a fiery red flame emerged from the sword body of the Chiwu Sword, descending from the sky, surrounding all the people present in the center. The fiery red flames surrounded everyone, like a wall, separating everyone from those faces.

   Then, Leng Xuan opened his mouth, imitating Mo Ya's previous appearance, and made a low voice, like a twilight drum and a morning bell, impacting everyone's minds. However, when the word was spit out, the situation of everyone did not improve. "It's laughter." Leng Xuan immediately woke up. Although he cut off the eyes of everyone and those faces, the 'Jie Jie' laughter still resounded in everyone's ears. At the moment, he took a breath, like a lion's roar. At the same time, the Chiwu Sword turned into the shape of the Chiwu Divine Bird, and made a shrill cry in the air, cooperating with Leng Xuan, disturbing the 'Jie Jie' laughter.

   Until this moment, the bewildered people gradually came to their senses. "Retreat, leave immediately." Yang Hong, who had sobered up, urged everyone to retreat immediately. Surrounded by flames, everyone did not dare to hesitate, and quickly moved their bodies and rushed towards the passage behind them. Along the original road, it has been withdrawing more than 100 meters, and the cold laughter disappeared from the ears of everyone. Seeing this, Leng Xuan heaved a sigh of relief and immediately put the Chiwu Sword away.

   Looking around, Leng Xuan found that they had returned to the place where they had fought with those alien beasts. After confirming the safety, everyone sat on the ground one after another, recovering their lost energy. "Little brother Mo, it's fortunate that you helped me just now, otherwise, we'd be afraid..." Yang Hong looked tired, but still squeezed out a smile, expressing his life-saving feelings to Leng Xuan. Leng Xuan smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite to Vice Cult Master Yang. Since everyone is a companion, they should help each other."

Yang Hong said with lingering fears: "I didn't expect that we have already entered the other's trap, but we haven't found it yet. It seems that this road can't continue." After he finished speaking, he turned to everyone and said, "Everyone rest first. After a while, let's go to Hall Master Xu to join us." In this regard, everyone did not refuse, and everyone saw the danger just now with their own eyes. If Leng Xuan had not acted in time, their lives would have been lost.

After a short rest, Leng Xuan found Mo Ya and whispered, not knowing what he said, causing Mo Ya's brows to wrinkle, "Are you sure it's useful?" Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "Not sure, but it can be done for a while. Try. Besides, even if we fail, we have nothing to lose." Mo Ya pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, let's talk to them and see what they mean." At that moment, the two got up and came to Yang Hong's side. "Palace Master Mo, little brother, what's the matter?" Yang Hong asked. Leng Xuan opened his mouth and said, "Vice Sect Master Yang, I have a way, maybe I can go through that passage."

   "Oh?" Yang Hong's eyes lit up and asked, "What can I do?"

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