As soon as    landed, Qing Yuanzi immediately put down his companions and said anxiously, "Save him, he's dying." Hearing this, Mo Ya and Tong Zhong hurried up. I saw that the Shangxian's situation was very similar to Leng Xuan's previous situation, his face was sluggish, and his eyes were full of fear. Not only that, but his body was still shaking. Apart from him, the same is true for the other two High Immortals.

   After a while, Mo Ya used the method he had used to treat Leng Xuan to restore the three sluggish Shangxians to their senses. After regaining his senses, the three High Immortals seemed to have lost their strength, all slumped to the ground, unable to get up for a long time. Seeing them like this, Yang Hong's faces became very solemn. The situation that happened to Leng Xuan before, although it could attract their attention, it could not make them shrink back. But at this moment, it is different. This time, all three high immortals entered. Even in this team composed of major forces, their strength can be ranked first. However, they all became like this, indicating that the level of horror on that face was more terrifying than they thought.

   "Tell me about the situation." Yang Hong asked in a deep voice as he looked at the immortals. The three High Immortals raised their heads, and although they had recovered their breath, there was still a look of horror on their faces. "That little brother is right, there is indeed a human face." A Shangxian swallowed and said with lingering fears, "The human face I saw belongs to Zhang Quan." Hearing this, Sanxian Palace's Zuo Shangxian said in shock: "You mean Zhang Quan? How is this possible?" Zhang Quan was one of the members who had entered the passage before, and was also a disciple of Sanxian Palace. And that Shangxian came from the Sanxian Palace, so he should not admit his mistake to his disciples. Yang Hong turned his eyes, looked at the other two immortals, and asked, "How about you?"

The two nodded in unison: "We saw it too, but the face we saw was different from the one he saw." After inquiries, they found out that the faces the three of them saw were different. Are not the same. In addition, when they met the gaze of a human face, it was the same feeling that Leng Xuan described. It can be seen that even if Shangxian entered, it would not have any effect. Leng Xuan frowned, the current situation is indeed very embarrassing.

   "Vice leader Yang, what should we do now?" Both Mo Qianyin and Zuo Shangxian turned their attention to Yang Hong. Yang Hong is the leader of this temporary team, and his decision is very important. However, Yang Hong lowered his head, as if he was lost in thought, and did not respond for a long time. After a while, I saw him raise his head and said slowly: "I used to read a very ancient document in the Holy Snow Sect, and it described a kind of thing, which seems to be somewhat similar to what we are seeing now."

Hearing what he said, Zuo Shangxian couldn't help but ask, "What?" Yang Hong said in a single word, "Swallowing Immortal Stone. Swallowing Immortal Stone is a kind of peculiar stone that can directly absorb a person's soul into the stone. The Immortal Stone is like a cage, trapping the absorbed souls forever. And those absorbed souls will be driven by the Immortal Swallowing Stone to absorb other people's souls." Mo Qianyin said, "Is there a solution? "

  Yang Hong shook his head, "When I saw that document, I didn't pay much attention to it. Moreover, it didn't seem to mention the method of cracking, it just described the effect of swallowing the Immortal Stone."

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