Soon, the time for a stick of incense passed. Looking at the still intact purple jade piece in their hands, Yang Hong's expressions all relaxed. There has been no accident for so long, which shows that the three channels are still very safe. After another moment, Leng Xuan estimated that it had been almost half an hour since the nine disciples had entered the passage. Although their traveling speed will not be too fast, but after so long, they have traveled at least ten kilometers. Could it be that these three passages are so long?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking Mo Qianyin beside him, "Elder Mo, how long is the effective distance of this soul jade?" Mo Qianyin said, "This kind of ordinary soul jade can sense a range of about ten kilometers. ."

   "Ten kilometers?" Leng Xuan said, "They have traveled for so long, according to their speed, let alone ten kilometers, twenty kilometers is almost the same, will they be out of range?"

"No." Yang Hong said, "They are very aware of the effective range of this kind of soul jade, and they should not go out of this distance." After a pause, he said, "I also think they have been there for too long, no Did something happen?"

   "Would you like to send a few more people in?" Zuo Shangxian suggested. Yang Hong thought for a while and said, "Well, send six more people and let them go in to see the situation." After a while, six disciples were called over. Yang Hong explained a few words carefully before letting them set off. After about a quarter of an hour, Leng Xuan glanced at the soul jades in Yang Hong's hands, and saw that the soul jades remained unchanged, indicating that the people who had just entered were safe.

   Another quarter of an hour passed. At this moment, everyone's faces were no longer as relaxed as before, and their expressions all sank. "Sure enough, there is a problem." Yang Hong said. Leng Xuan nodded. When the six disciples went in just now, Yang Hong specially instructed that after a quarter of an hour, whether there was any problem or not, someone must be sent back to deliver the letter. But it's been so long now, and they still haven't come back, something must have happened. However, the fifteen soul jades were still intact, proving that those people were still alive. "They might be trapped by something." Mo Qianyin said, "Vice Sect Master Yang, what should we do now?"

   "Fortunately, we sent someone in to investigate first, otherwise, it would be us who had an accident." Yang Hong said solemnly. After a pause, he continued: "We are here this time to find out this place. If we go back now, everyone will not be reconciled. Before coming here, I believe everyone is mentally prepared to face any danger. There are thirty high immortals in our team. Why don't we let them go in and check the situation? With their strength, even if there is danger, it should be no problem to retreat." Zuo Shangxian and Mo Qianyin looked at each other. With a glance, he nodded and said, "Yes."

   "Palace Master Mo..." Yang Hong was about to speak, only to hear Tong Zhong preemptively say, "Let me go here at Tianhuo Palace."

  Sacred Snow Sect, Sanxian Palace, and Wan Huayuan all sent people. Although Tianhuo Palace has not many people, it cannot fail. Otherwise, other people will definitely have an opinion. "Elder Tong is free, let this little brother accompany him." Zuo Shangxian pointed at Leng Xuan, "This little brother can detect danger in time, maybe his intuition can come in handy, what do you think? ?" Yang Hong nodded and said, "That makes sense."

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