Mo Ya shook his head and said, "It's alright, I just suffered a little injury." After he finished speaking, he backed away the disciples beside him, and took Leng Xuan to the back room.

   Seeing Mo Ya being so careful, Leng Xuan's curiosity was immediately raised, and he asked, "Palace Master Mo, what's wrong?" Mo Ya waved his hand, and a barrier immediately enveloped the two of them. "Leng Xuan, what I want to tell you next, don't tell outsiders, at least not yet. That day, representatives of me and several other major forces were invited by Xu Ling, mainly to discuss the mysterious mountain at the bottom of Xianming Lake. Seal. The water in Xianming Lake has been drained, and a huge hole has appeared at the bottom of the lake. As you guessed, the seal has been forcibly broken by the people from the Candle Dragon Hall. These days, we have joined forces Go to the giant cave at the bottom of the lake to investigate."

   "What did you find?" Leng Xuan asked impatiently. That layer of mysterious seal was placed by the Great Emperor Tongtian, so he was very curious and wanted to know what was sealed inside.

"After our repeated investigations, we believe that the sealed thing should come from God's Domain." As soon as these words came out, Leng Xuan's face changed suddenly, "Palace Master Mo, are you sure?" Mo Ya nodded. Dao: "This is the conclusion we came to together. However, although we are sure that the sealed thing is from God's Domain, we don't know what it is. We stayed there for four days, and the danger we suffered was unimaginable. Everyone suffered. Different degrees of injuries. After we barely reached the middle of the giant cave, we had to retreat because we were all injured. We believe that the sealed thing should be in the deepest part of the giant cave.”

Leng Xuan said: "Then what plan do you have next?" Mo Ya replied: "The representatives of the Holy Snow Sect and several other major forces have already sent letters back, and it won't be long before the major forces will send people over. At that time, as long as everyone is together, we will go to investigate again. I came to find you, I want to ask you if you want to go in with me." Hearing this, Leng Xuan's eyes lit up and said, "Can I?"

"As long as you are willing, you can enter with me in the name of my Heavenly Fire Palace." Mo Ya said, "That giant cave is full of dangers, the reason why I took you in is because there are not only dangers but also many dangers in that giant cave. Good thing. If it wasn't for this reason, do you think other forces would be so generous and help the Torch Dragon Palace?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, it's rare to have such an adventure, I'll definitely take a risk if I get the chance. Don't know when we're leaving?"

   "It is estimated that it will take a few days." Mo Ya said, "We must wait until the members of other forces arrive. Prepare yourself well these days, and I will notify you when you set off."

   However, things did not develop as the Candle Dragon Palace expected. Within two days, I don't know who released the news that a giant hole appeared at the bottom of Xianming Lake. There are many treasures in it, all left over from the God's Domain. The Candle Dragon Temple and several other major forces want to join forces to swallow the treasures inside. . As soon as this rumor came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation. There are nearly 10,000 members who came to the Candle Dragon Hall to participate in the conference of the fairies. Once they want to do something, it is really difficult to stop them with the power of the Candle Dragon Hall. One night, under the leadership of someone unknown, thousands of immortals united and attacked the guards of the Candle Dragon Temple.

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