After a while, Leng Xuan picked up all the treasures scattered at the bottom of the lake. At this time, the spirit daffodils that had been swimming above Leng Xuan's head turned around and shook its head from time to time. Immediately, the spirit narcissus swayed and swam in another direction at the bottom of the lake.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood what the other party meant. At the bottom of this Xianming Lake, there must be more precious treasures, otherwise, the spirit daffodils would not be so eager. "I'll pick it up later when I come back." Thinking of this, he immediately moved his body and followed closely behind the spirit narcissus beast. After a while, the Lingshuixian beast brought Leng Xuan to the bottom of Xianming Lake, a place full of gravel. Leng Xuan glanced around, but saw no treasure.

   At this time, the narcissus beast was standing at the bottom of the lake, and then cleaned the mud and gravel at the bottom with its claws. Seeing its actions, Leng Xuan immediately understood, and quickly cleaned up the gravel little by little. As the gravel and silt decreased, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that at the bottom of the gravel and silt, there was actually a huge stone slab. The slate is very smooth and obviously does not occur naturally. After cleaning out half of the slate, Leng Xuan noticed that there were many complicated patterns carved on this slate, and those patterns were intertwined, and it seemed to form a huge formation. Seeing this, Leng Xuan's heart moved. The things under this slate are probably not simple.

  Thinking of this, he teamed up with the narcissus beast to quickly clean up any time and mud on the slate. In a short time, the stone slab about 20 meters long and more than 10 meters wide was completely cleaned up.

  Leng Xuan reached out and tapped the surface of the slate. Through the texture of the touch, he could feel the thickness of the slate. "Try it." After thinking about it, Leng Xuan called out the Chiwu Sword and slammed it down at the slate. However, when the Chiwu Sword fell on the slate, a splendid red light immediately appeared on the surface of the slate, and the powerful impact directly sent Leng Xuan and Chiwu Sword flying, and even Ling Shuixian flew out. Beasts were also affected.

   "Sure enough." Returning to the slate again, looking at the slate that had been restored to its original state, Leng Xuan thought to himself. This slate is covered with a layer of seal, unless this layer of seal is broken, otherwise, it is difficult for him to touch the things under the slate. "Who would have placed this seal?" He thought to himself, "Could it be the Torch Dragon Palace?" Shaking his head, throwing off the distracting thoughts in his mind, Leng Xuan continued to examine the slate in front of him.

  While Leng Xuan was still researching the method of cracking, the spirit daffodil beast on the side seemed to have discovered something, bit Leng Xuan's clothes and dragged him to the edge of the slate. Seeing what the narcissus beast was digging in the mud beside the slate, Leng Xuan immediately cleaned up the mud on both sides. Soon, a stone tablet appeared in his eyes. I don't know how many years this stone tablet has been buried in the mud. Except for some changes in color, everything else is fine.

   Looking at the words engraved on the stone tablet, a look of surprise appeared on Leng Xuan's face. There was not much useful content recorded on this stele, but what surprised Leng Xuan was the name in the lower right corner of the stele. The four characters engraved on it are the Great Emperor Tongtian. In other words, the seal here should have been placed by Emperor Tongtian himself. Otherwise, there is no need for him to engrave his name on this stele.

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