Compared with the three men, Mo Shui'er, who is a woman, is much more embarrassed. Her top has been burned by the Nine Yin Lightning Fire, and the spring is infinite. Even if she wants to cover her jade body, No strength to lift a finger.

   "Kill them!" Leng Xuan raised his hand and gave an order to Chiwujian. Ruan Lang explained to him that when he saw these guys, he must behead them. However, just as Chiwujian was about to launch an offensive, Dian Chongming, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up from the ground. Immediately afterwards, he grabbed Mo Shui'er and Zheng Donghe with one hand, and rushed out of the barrier quickly, only leaving Qiao Lang behind.

   When Leng Xuan reacted, the three of them had already rushed outside the barrier. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help shaking his head. Since the three Zheng Donghe had left the barrier, it would be difficult for him to kill again. I was careless just now, I didn't expect that the code name was pretending to be seriously injured. As for the Qiao Lang who was left behind, Leng Xuan did not give him any more chances, and ended him with a sword.

   Seeing Leng Xuan's performance, Ruan Lang, who was watching the ceremony outside, finally laughed. He turned his head and looked at the crowd not far away. There, the six elders of the Hall of Destiny were surrounding Zheng Donghe and the three of them, checking their injuries. Seemingly noticing his gaze, the six elders all turned their attention to him. Seeing the livid color on the faces of the six elders, Ruan Lang smiled even more happily.

   "It turns out that Xianyou Wang is already a high immortal. I was so rude just now, don't blame me." After solving those candidates, Leng Xuanfei fell to the ground and bowed to Wang Yao. The latter said with a smile: "Don't be too polite, Immortal Leng, compared to me, you are even more surprising, a mere immortal has such a powerful strength, even if it is an immortal, I am afraid it will be difficult for you. I will seek benefits from my hands." As the words fell, Wang Yao's eyes also flickered with a hint of surprise.

  Leng Xuan hurriedly said: "Wang Xianyou is joking, I don't have that ability."

   While talking, Leng Xuan suddenly noticed that the two of them talked here for a long time, and no one came to trouble them. He turned his head and saw that the battles around him were still going on. However, those people all had one thing in common. They kept a long distance from him and Wang Yao. Judging from their appearance, it seemed that they did not dare to approach. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the strengths he and Wang Yao had just displayed had made those people give up the idea of ​​attacking the two of them. That's fine, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. "Huh..." At this time, Leng Xuan noticed that Mo Yun had already been eliminated. However, looking at his appearance, it seems that he was not seriously injured.

   Now, Leng Xuan turned his eyes again, searching for the whereabouts of Yan Po and Yuan Huan among the crowd. Not long after, he saw that Yan Po and Yuan Huan were fighting against another group. The two sides seemed to be indistinguishable, but Leng Xuan took a closer look and felt relieved. On the surface, Yan Po and their opponents were equal in strength, and it was hard to tell the winner.

   However, Yan Po and Yuan Huan have been fighting each other for so long, and they have maintained the same attack frequency, while their opponent's attack frequency has dropped a little bit. If it goes on like this, it won't take long for their opponents to become exhausted.

   Among the crowd, Leng Xuan and Wang Yao were not the only ones who were so relaxed. In addition to the two of them, there are five other groups that do the same.

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