Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8097: The first level to win the pearl 2

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan frowned, the dragon eyeball was already close at hand. However, if he didn't move, the cold light would definitely fall on him. In desperation, Leng Xuan turned and immediately moved to the left. Although the attack of the cold light was successfully avoided, in the blink of an eye, the dragon eyeball had already been snatched away by someone else. "Who is it?" He turned his head and glanced at the people around him. However, around him, there were too many people chasing the dragon's eyeballs, and there was no one to attack him at all. The five hundred dragon eyeballs seemed to be a lot, but in the blink of an eye, they were taken away by everyone.

  Leng Xuan stood quietly in mid-air, not moving. At this time, five hundred dragon eyeballs have been taken away, and those who have dragon eyeballs have become the target of everyone's attack. Leng Xuan glanced around, and then cast his eyes outside the enchantment. There, a censer was placed, and one third of the long incense in it had been burned. Time passed by, but Leng Xuan still did not move. He knew very well in his heart that he had become the target of others. If he shoots to **** the dragon eyeball, someone will definitely stop it. If he fails to obtain the dragon eyeball, he will be eliminated directly. As a result, among the seven candidates, he lost the qualification to compete.

The rules of the   Conference of Immortals are that no matter life or death, as long as you can win, you can use any means. Therefore, in less than a moment, the number of casualties in the enchantment has reached hundreds. Of course, most of them were seriously injured, and not many were actually killed. This is just a test, and it is not the life and death of the enemy, and no one will deliberately take other people's lives. As the incense stick outside the enchantment burned to two-thirds, the battle in the enchantment became more and more intense. Thousands of people fought together, and the scene was very chaotic. Leng Xuan took a few glances, then flew to the ground. He noticed that not far away, the other six candidates of the Hall of Destiny were standing there, motionless.

   And around those six people, there are people protecting them. Seeing the white light shining on the heads of the six people, Leng Xuan knew that they all grabbed the dragon eyeballs. Maybe they knew that they were not easy to mess with. After some people who tried to **** their dragon eyeballs were seriously injured, others did not dare to approach them. "Friend Leng, you haven't got it yet?" At this moment, Yan Po's voice came from midair. Leng Xuan looked up and saw that Yan Po and Yuan Huan were staying together. There was a white light on the top of their heads, indicating that they had also successfully grabbed the dragon eyeballs. "Friend Leng Xian, do you want us to help you?" Yuan Huan said.

   "I appreciate the kindness of the two of you." Leng Xuan smiled indifferently, "I have my own way." At this moment, the incense stick was about to burn out, and Leng Xuan was still indifferent. At this time, the guardians surrounding the six candidates were slowly approaching Leng Xuan. Looking at their appearance, it seems that they want to surround Leng Xuan. Yan Po and Yuan Huan on the side also noticed the approach of those people, "Friend Leng Xian, are these people looking for you?"

Hearing Yan Po's question, Leng Xuan nodded, and then said: "Two immortal friends, please step back a little, so as not to accidentally get hurt later." Hearing this, Yan Po and Yuan Huan looked at each other, and then walked together. step back. In their eyes, Leng Xuan and them are just casual acquaintances. If it comes to the grudges between Leng Xuan and others, they will never be too troublesome.

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