Leng Xuan gave a wry smile, paused, and then continued: "By the way, senior, didn't you say before that there are no restrictions on who can take part in the test? If that's the case, wouldn't Shangxian also be able to participate?"


   "Then what's fair about this? Who would dare to compete with them for the first place if the immortals made a move?"

"Do you really think so?" Ruan Lang said with a smile, "Although there are no restrictions on the test of the fairs, not many high-level immortals will participate. Think about it, if a high-level fairy is going to compete with a group of immortals, he will Shame? Those with higher cultivation are more concerned about their own reputation. Of course, there are some exceptions. I remember that at one session of the All Immortals Conference, two of the Immortals were cheeky because the rewards were too generous. Go to the test, guess what the result is?" Leng Xuan shrugged: "How do I know."

   "The two High Immortals not only failed to win the ranking, but gave their lives instead."

   "Is there such a thing?"

"People with higher cultivation will take the test and become the target of everyone. If you are an immortal and you go to the test, others will definitely take you as a target. Because if you don't get rid of you, they won't have a chance to compete for the first place. Therefore, once a high immortal participates, other people will unite and fight together. No matter how powerful a high immortal is, it is not the opponent of hundreds of immortals. Therefore, since that session of the conference of all immortals, there has been no more high immortals. I gave up my face to participate in the test. Although the prizes are attractive, life is more important." At this point, he paused and said, "However, this time the conference of the fairies may change."

   "You mean... a soul-changing order?"

Ruan Lang nodded and said: "Yes, the preciousness of the soul-changing order, not to mention the immortals, even the golden immortals will be tempted. Therefore, this time it is very likely that Shangxian will fight for the soul-changing order." Half of the tens of thousands of immortals on the stone plate have already retreated. Seeing this, Ruan Lang said: "Okay, I have explained everything that should be explained, and then it depends on your performance. Boy, don't let me down." As soon as he finished speaking, he moved and flew away from the stone. plate.

   "Friend Leng Xian, are you ready to participate in this test?" As soon as Ruan Lang left, Yan Po and Yuan Huan came over. Leng Xuan replied: "The elders specially brought me here to see, why should I participate."

Yan Po smiled and said: "Since the Leng Xianyou also want to participate, then the three of us might as well join forces. In this way, the hope is even greater." Leng Xuan opened his mouth and was about to respond, but after thinking about it, he shook his head. Said: "I understand Xianyou Yan's kindness, let's do our own things." It's not that he doesn't want to, but to tell the truth, he really hopes to join forces with Yan Po and his senior brothers. However, his participation in the test of the Immortals Conference this time is not only for the reward of the conference, but also for more important tasks. The test of the All Immortals Conference is life and death. In this case, other candidates for the Hall of Destiny will definitely try their best to kill themselves.

  In this case, if he joins forces with Yan Po and the others, Yan Po and Yuan Huan will definitely become their targets. At that time, because of his own reasons, they were accidentally caught, and he would definitely blame himself. Therefore, he can only refuse. "Xianyou Yan, Xianyou Yuan, it's not that I don't want to cooperate with you, it's just... I have to face some things alone, I hope you two don't mind." He bowed his hands to the two of them.

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