Mo Yun hurriedly said: "Luo Kai, don't talk nonsense, my friend doesn't mean that." The young man named Luo Kai sneered: "It doesn't mean that, what does it mean? Why reject the good intentions of our suzerain?"

Mo Yun opened his mouth and was about to defend himself, but he heard Xiang Songhe coldly snort: "Your friend's vision is quite high. He has just ascended to immortality, so he treats himself as a character. He doesn't want to join me to grow up. Zong, I don't want to accept him yet, let him get out of my sight quickly, don't ruin my mood." Mo Yun's face was bitter and hard to say. He sighed lightly, then turned back to Leng Xuan's side, forced a smile and said: "Okay, I have made it clear to the sect master, you go first, I will find you later." Leng Xuan glanced at Song He and asked, "Mr. Mo, that person didn't embarrass you, did he?"

   Although he didn't hear their conversation just now, he could guess one or two from the other party's expression. Mo Yun had already paved the way for himself, but he refused, presumably the Sect Master Xiang was not very happy.

   "It's okay, Sect Master Xiang is not the kind of person with a small stomach." Hearing what Mo Yun said, Leng Xuan nodded, "Well, I'll go back to Senior Ruan first, and come to me if you have anything."

Seeing Leng Xuan's return, Ruan Lang said: "It's just time to come back, Xu Ling, the hall master of the Torch Dragon Palace, has already arrived." Hearing this, Leng Xuan looked up and saw that the center of the stone plate had been emptied out, and hundreds of people wearing The disciples in the costumes of the Candle Dragon Temple stood around, maintaining the order on the stone plate. In the center of the stone plate, an old man with white hair like frost stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a purple robe and a purple jade crown on his head.

"Today is another conference of immortals that has been held for hundreds of years. This time, I am honored to be in charge of holding this session of the conference of immortals. As the owner of the hall of Candle Dragon, I represent the hall of Candle Dragon. I am very grateful for the presence of the immortal friends." After saying that, Xu Ling bowed his hands to the people who were watching the ceremony, "Okay, not much to say, I believe that no one wants to listen to the nonsense of the old man. Since it is a conference of the immortals, the rules are natural and harmonious. It's the same as before. This time, there are three levels in the fair of the fairies, and the top ten successful ones will surely get rich prizes." As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone in the crowd ask: "Palace Master Xu, you candles. What is the reward of the Dragon Palace this time?"

   This issue is what everyone cares about. Xu Ling smiled and said, "Don't worry, my Torch Dragon Palace will never let you down." He clapped his hands as he spoke. Immediately, the disciples of the Torch Dragon Hall behind him split a path, and then ten beautiful women walked out slowly. In the hands of the ten women, each held a golden plate. There was a red cloth on the golden plate, and I didn't know what was under it.

   When the ten women lined up, Xu Ling nodded to them. With his instruction, the ten women uncovered the red cloth on the golden plate in their hands. Immediately, the items on the ten golden plates appeared in everyone's sight. "Is that... a fake fairy?" "No, it's a real fairy, tsk tsk, the Candle Dragon Palace's handwriting is really big this time, and even the fairy has been taken out as a reward." "Look, then Isn't it Zilin Immortal Wood? I heard that Zilin Immortal Wood is the best material for alchemy."

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