At this moment, Yan Po, Yuan Huan, and several other men formed two lines, standing behind an old man. No need to think, that old man must be Yan Po's master Qing Yuanzi. Seeing them coming this way, Leng Xuan saluted the old man headed by him and said respectfully, "The younger generation has seen Qing Yuan Shang Xian." Qing Yuanzi smiled lightly and said, "No need to be more polite." Glancing at Ruan Lang, he said, "This is your elder? This immortal looks familiar, have you seen it before?" Ruan Lang smiled and said, "I have practiced in the Immortal Realm for thousands of years, and maybe I have a relationship with Shangxian. Let's meet."

  Qing Yuanzi nodded, did not delve into it, but said to the disciples behind him, "It's time for us to go up to the stage to watch the ceremony." After speaking, he walked straight to the high platform. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Isn't that high platform used to receive representatives of several major forces, how can he be qualified to sit on it?" Ruan Lang said: "What's so strange about this, Qing Yuanzi is a Shangxian is quite famous in the Immortal Realm, and it is normal for the Candle Dragon Hall to arrange his seat."

   "Then why is there no seat in the Tianhuo Palace?" Leng Xuan asked. "It's not that there is none, but Tianhuo Palace never participates in this kind of event." As soon as Ruan Lang's voice fell, Leng Xuan saw not far away, an old man, surrounded by a group of people, slowly walked towards the high platform. "Senior Ruan, didn't you just say that Tianhuo Palace never participates in the Fair of Immortals, so why did your brother come in person?" The old man he saw was the Palace Master Mo Ya of Tianhuo Palace.

   "Hey, what is this old man doing here?" Ruan Lang looked puzzled, obviously a little confused. Leng Xuan looked at Mo Ya, and saw that the other party was greeted by the disciples of the Candle Dragon Palace, and slowly walked up to the high platform. Seeing him coming, everyone on the high platform immediately got up and saluted, full of respect. "Boy, do you see that the person next to Mo Ya is the deputy hall master of the Torch Dragon Palace, Hao Hai." Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help turning his eyes to the middle-aged man beside Mo Ya. The middle-aged man named Hao Hai had been standing behind Mo Ya, not daring to step forward. Although it was only a small detail, it showed his attitude.

   "Tsk tsk." Leng Xuan sighed to himself, it seems that Ruan Lang is right, the status of the Heavenly Fire Palace in the Immortal Realm is indeed very unusual. "Senior, do you want to see Palace Master Mo later?"

"Let's talk about it." Ruan Lang said casually, "This old man didn't say that he would personally participate in the conference of immortals. Even the disciples of Tianhuo Palace were not allowed to participate. There must be a reason for him to come here this time." After he finished speaking, he turned his head. , looked around, and continued: "The conference of immortals is about to start. Let's go, let's find a place to watch the ceremony." Just as Leng Xuan was looking for a suitable place to watch the ceremony, he saw Mo Yun facing the crowd. come over.

   "Senior Mo." Seeing the other party, Leng Xuan hurriedly called out. "But I found you." Mo Yun sighed, "I arrived yesterday, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I thought you weren't coming. Hey... Leng Xuan, who is this?"

"Senior Mo, let me introduce to you. This is Senior Ruan Lang. I thanked him for taking care of me during this time." After listening to Leng Xuan's introduction, Mo Yun cupped his hands and said, "I have seen friend Ruan Xian." Ruan Lang nodded calmly without expressing too much. In this immortal domain, his seniority is much higher than Mo Yun's. If it wasn't for Leng Xuan's sake, he would not accept the title of 'immortal friend', why should he be called a senior.

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