"Really?" Hearing what he said, Leng Xuan became more and more curious about this Xianming Lake. There is such a magical place in Xianyu. Just as he wondered how this Xianming Lake came into being, he suddenly felt a slight movement from his leg. Immediately, he saw the smaller narcissus beast sticking its head out of his trouser legs. Seeing the spirit narcissus beast taking the initiative to appear, Leng Xuan couldn't help but be moved. He is clear about the ability of this narcissus beast, and the other party can perceive the existence of the treasure. At this moment, this spirit narcissus beast appeared on its own initiative. Could it be that it found some treasure?

  Thinking about it, the spirit narcissus beast has reached the edge of Xianming Lake, only to see it stick out its head and taste the water of Xianming Lake. Then, it turned around and called Leng Xuan twice, as if a little excited.

   "Sure enough." Leng Xuan smiled secretly, the action of the spirit water fairy beast means that there are treasures in this Xianming Lake. However, with so many immortals present, it is impossible for him to enter the lake to search for treasures in front of everyone. Thinking of this, he summoned the spirit water fairy beast, and then asked Yan Po and the others, pretending to be curious: "Friend Yan, since this Xianming Lake is so magical, why did the Candle Dragon Hall not seal it up and show it to outsiders instead? Watch."

Yan Po said with a smile: "This Xianming Lake is a forbidden area of ​​the Candle Dragon Temple, and it is usually guarded by heavy troops. This time, because of the conference of all immortals, Xianming Lake was opened to outsiders. However, the surrounding area of ​​Xianming Lake is surrounded by The people from the Candle Dragon Palace are surrounded, and anyone who dares to think carefully will be invited away by the people from the Candle Dragon Palace immediately."

Yuan Huan on the side continued: "Besides, although this Xianming Lake has special effects, it will take a long time for anything to change before it can be put into it. The Congregation of Immortals only lasts a few days. At the end of the conference, Xianming Lake will be blocked, so no one will take such a risk." Leng Xuan nodded, although he did not know why this Xianming Lake had such a miraculous effect, but from the behavior of the spirit water fairy beast, it can be seen that It turns out that there are indeed treasures in this Xianming Lake. However, there are too many guards in the candle dragon hall around here. If you want to explore treasures, you must find a suitable time.

   After watching at Xianming Lake for a while, Leng Xuan and Yan Po left. As soon as the three of them returned to the stone pan, they saw a young man galloping quickly and chatted with Yan Po in a low voice. "Friend Leng, I'm sorry, Master has something to do with us. I'll take my leave first. I'll go to your place to meet you when I have time." Leng Xuan cupped his hands and said, "You two can go." He watched Yan Po and Yuan Huan leave. Later, Leng Xuan also returned to his residence. As soon as he came back, he found that Ruan Lang had already returned to the house. "Senior." Ruan Lang beckoned and motioned him to sit down. Leng Xuan took his seat and asked, "Senior, what's wrong?"

Ruan Lang said: "I met those old guys just now, and we have decided on the test of the successor." Hearing this, Leng Xuan hurriedly asked, "What is the test?" Ruan Lang said: "Everyone There will be competitions in the conference of all immortals, and the number of participants is not limited. Coinciding with this conference of all immortals, those old guys mean, let you candidates for successors participate in this competition together, who will achieve the best results Well, whoever gets elected."

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