"Why, you don't believe it?" Ruan Lang laughed, "Guigu used to be the great elder of the Tianhuo Palace, and his status is only that of the palace master Mo Ya. Although his status is not as good as that of my senior brother Mo Ya, his reputation is worse than that of Mo Ya. Since I quit the Heavenly Fire Palace, Guigu’s medical skills and alchemy have been the number one in the Heavenly Fire Palace, and even my senior brother cannot surpass him. However, more than a hundred years ago, he resigned as the Great Elder and began to He travels all over the world. Although he is no longer the Great Elder of the Heavenly Fire Palace, his status in the Heavenly Fire Palace has never changed. It must be Mo Ya who told him about the Nine Yin Leihuo, otherwise, you would think that the old guy would be idle. Are you okay to come and help you?"

  Leng Xuan said inexplicably, "Even if the Heavenly Fire Palace is backing him, there is no need for the people in the Torch Dragon Palace to be so afraid of him, right?"

"If it's just a Tianhuo Palace, you really can't let the people in the Candle Dragon Palace be so afraid of him. I remember, I told you before that many years ago, the owner of the Candle Dragon Palace was seriously injured in the firefight with the Holy Snow Sect. , in danger, it was the Tianhuo Palace who rescued him. And the person who rescued the hall master of the Candle Dragon Palace was Guigu. If it wasn't for Guigu's superb medical skills and the medicinal pills he refined, the one of the hall master of the Candle Dragon Palace I am afraid that it is difficult to save my life. Therefore, in the eyes of the hall master of the Candle Dragon Hall, Guigu is his savior. You can imagine, as the savior of the hall master of the Candle Dragon Hall, how dare the people of the Candle Dragon Hall offend him , isn't that courting death? Back then, when Guigu resigned as the chief elder of the Tianhuo Palace, the hall master of the Candle Dragon Palace immediately said that he wanted to hand over the post of the deputy hall master of the Candle Dragon Palace to Guigu, but he was rejected by Guigu. In this matter, you can see the attitude of the Lord of the Torch Dragon Palace towards Guigu."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan nodded.

"However, what you did this time was indeed a bit reckless. Offending Tian Han is equivalent to offending the Torch Dragon Palace. This time, it will definitely make him miss you. Also, don't forget, the last time is not over yet. Although Tianhuo Palace has spoken for you, it does not mean that they will not deal with you any more. They will definitely do it secretly. Fortunately, Tian Han still does not know your identity, otherwise, you will have big trouble in the future. "

   "Senior Ruan, don't worry, I will be careful in the future." After finishing the words, Leng Xuan asked, "By the way, senior, do you know the Changlai School?"

"Long Lai Sect?" Ruan Lang thought for a while and said, "It seems to be a bit of an impression, the Chang Lai Sect is also a force in the Immortal Domain, which is composed of some scattered immortals, at most a third-rate force. "

   "Nothing, just ask casually."

   "Okay, let's take a day's rest, and we'll go to the fair of immortals tomorrow."

   Two days later, outside the territory of the Candle Dragon Hall, an old man and a young man came together. These two are Leng Xuan and Ruan Lang. "The headquarters of the Candle Dragon Hall is in front. The organizer of this fair is the Candle Dragon Hall, so the conference venue is located outside the headquarters of the Candle Dragon Hall, you see." Following the direction of Ruan Lang's finger, Leng Xuan looked up and saw a huge stone disk suspended in mid-air a few kilometers away. The diameter of the stone disk was several kilometers, and it almost blocked the sky. Arriving near the stone plate, Leng Xuan found that there were already many immortals on the stone plate, there were thousands of them.

   "The Fair of Immortals will not officially start until tomorrow, let's go, let's find a place to live first."

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