However, Xiandu is not like a city, it is a fixed existence, but a temporary formation.

   As long as the promoter spreads the message that a trade fair will be held, immortals will come from all directions. Among these immortals, there are not only buyers, but also sellers. Every trade fair, it is the latter in the majority. When these people arrived, as the number of people increased, Xiandu also appeared naturally. According to Ruan Lang, most of the existence of Xiandu is about half a month. As time passes, the number of people decreases, and the immortal capital will disappear.

   Entering Xiandu, Leng Xuan followed behind Ruan Lang, looked around, and after a while, he felt boring. This fair in Xiandu is actually no different from the cultivation world. It is nothing more than exchange for things. Except that the exchanged items are more expensive, everything else is the same. "Senior, what are we doing here?" He caught up with Ruan Lang in a few steps and asked. Ruan Lang smiled and said, "Go see a few people." While speaking, he had come to a spacious house. In Xiandu, there are many houses and other buildings, and these buildings are connected together to become Xiandu. However, whether it is these houses or other buildings, it is actually a space spiritual tool, and the size can be changed at will.

  When the fair is over, the immortals will take back their houses and leave. In this way, Xiandu will not leave any traces. Entering the house, Ruan Lang walked straight to the backyard. Not long after, I saw two people welcome out of the house and respectfully bowed to Ruan Lang. Ruan Lang nodded to the two of them and asked, "Where are the people, have they all arrived?" A man replied, "All have arrived."

   "Okay." After he finished speaking, Ruan Lang waved to Leng Xuan, "Come with me." When he came to the backyard, he saw several old men sitting in the spacious and clean courtyard. And behind those old men, stood a young man, or a young woman. Leng Xuan glanced around and saw that there was a vacant seat next to the old men. Ruan Lang walked over, sat down in the vacant seat, and then made a gesture to Leng Xuan, motioning him to stand behind him.

   After walking a few steps, Leng Xuan felt that the eyes of everyone in the courtyard seemed to be focused on him, making him very uncomfortable. "Okay, everyone is here, long story short." Ruan Lang said, "This is my disciple, he is the person I chose." As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately whispered and discussed. Leng Xuan looked blank, he had no idea what Ruan Lang meant.

   "Palace Master, your successor should be unanimously approved by all the elders, not you alone." At this time, an elder said, and the others nodded in agreement. Ruan Lang smiled casually and said, "Then how can I get you to recognize it?" Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the person who spoke just now, and said, "Elder Cheng Yang, you speak first." Cheng Yang got up and said: " Hall Master, you should have not forgotten our rules, any elder can recommend a successor, and then go through the test, only those who pass the test and are recognized are eligible to become the successor." Ruan Lang nodded, then Looking at the young people and women behind the old men, he said, "This is the successor you want to recommend?" Cheng Yang replied, "I heard that the hall master called us this time to decide on a successor, so we chose our own candidates. Brought it."

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