With his current situation, unless the Baise Flower can continue to provide him with power, it is very difficult for him to complete the breakthrough and enter the spiritual realm in one fell swoop.

   "It's still a little short." Leng Xuan estimated his own strength, and with the assistance of the Baise Flower, he was not far from breaking through the spiritual realm. However, in the current situation, unless there is sufficient spiritual support, he can only choose to give up. Just when Leng Xuan was tangled, the people below were also discussing. At this time, an old voice suddenly entered the ears of everyone: "He is dead."

   When everyone heard the sound, they turned their heads to look. Immediately, an old man in white clothes was seen walking slowly towards the crowd. Seeing the person coming, everyone looked shocked, and hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the old valley owner." The old man waved his hand and said, "Okay, no need to be more polite." After the words were finished, he looked up at the cold man on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. Xuan, asked: "Who is this person?" Zhao Chen, who was beside him, quickly replied: "Grandpa, his name is Leng Xuan, and he brought Zhan Tianling to Xilan Valley a few days ago." After a pause, he pointed again. He pointed to Qidong and said, "His name is Xiang Qidong, and he is that person's apprentice." Hearing this, the old man couldn't help but glance at Xiang Qidong and asked, "How is your master?"

   "Very good." Xiang Qidong spit out two words lightly, and stopped talking. The old man nodded and turned his eyes to Leng Xuan again. "Grandpa, did you just say he can't do it?" At this time, Zhao Chen only asked.

The old man replied: "Only one can reach the peak by cultivating in the spiritual realm. This sentence is not a casual statement. If the cultivation base has not reached the spiritual realm and reaches the one hundred and seventy-ninth floor, no matter what method he uses, he will not be able to reach it. Speaking of this, he frowned and said, "What happened to that Baise Flower?" Zhao Chen lowered his head and said, "I don't know how it appeared." Hearing this, the old man snorted softly, "Let me take care of my Xilan Valley. So many things have happened in just a few days." After a pause, he asked, "Do you know what that Leng Xuan is from?" Zhao Chen shook his head and said: "do not know."

"You..." The old man turned his mouth and asked, "Then do you know where he got that War Heaven Order?" Zhao Chen continued to shake his head and said, "I don't know." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the old man's face. With an angry look on his face, he hurriedly said: "However, the word 'begging' is engraved on his War Heaven Order." As soon as these words came out, the old man's expression changed suddenly, and he said in surprise, "You sure didn't read it. Wrong?" Zhao Chen said: "Grandpa, I'm not a three-year-old child, how can I admit my mistake."

   "It turned out to be introduced by him." The old man muttered to himself. "Grandpa, who is the 'he' you're talking about?" Zhao Chen couldn't help asking. "You don't know if I said it." The old man casually said a sentence, then he turned his eyes and called Wen Xiyuan to his side. "Old Valley Master, what are your orders?" The old man whispered a few words to the two of them. After listening, Zhao Chen and Wen Xiyuan were shocked, "This... Grandpa, are you sure you want to do this?"

   "What are you doing with so much nonsense, hurry up and do it." The old man said impatiently. "Yes." Zhao Chen and Wen Xiyuan didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly walked towards the valley. On the way, the two couldn't help but whisper: "Deacon Wen, what do you think Leng Xuan is from? I've never seen my grandfather so nervous before."

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