Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his head to look and saw a young man standing behind a row of Xilang Valley disciples. Gives a feeling of rejection. Seemingly noticing the gaze cast by Leng Xuan, the young man slowly turned his head and walked towards them. When he was near, the young man looked at Zhao Chen and said, "Gu master, can we start?"

"Friend Leng has arrived, it's time to start." After the words were finished, Zhao Chen introduced to Leng Xuan: "Friend Leng, this is Xiang Qidong, Xiang Xianyou, you will..." He hadn't said anything yet. After finishing, Xiang Qidong said: "Zhao Guzhu, I'm not here to make friends, don't waste my time." Hearing the impatience in his tone, Zhao Chen sneered and didn't continue talking. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but feel a little strange. After all, Zhao Chen is the valley owner of Xilan Valley, and he doesn't know what Xiang Qidong is about, but he dares to talk to Zhao Chen like this. Moreover, looking at Zhao Chen's appearance, it seems that he is very scruples about the identity of this young man, and he does not dare to say a single heavy word.

"Okay, in order not to delay the time of the two of you, then I will make a long story short." Zhao Chen said, "This Zhantian Yun Ladder has a total of 180 floors. , don't force it, step back immediately. Otherwise, your life will be in danger." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xiang Qidong move and rushed towards one of the Zhantian Cloud Ladders. In the blink of an eye, he climbed to the tenth floor of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, and he kept a constant speed and continued to move up. "Friend Leng, you can go too, remember, you must do what you can, and don't be brave." Hearing Zhao Chen's kind reminder, Leng Xuan nodded.

   took a deep breath, he pointed his toes, his body was like electricity, he flashed past, and flew to stand on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. Standing on the first floor, Leng Xuan felt nothing, as relaxed as an ordinary cloud ladder. Raising his head, looking at Xiang Qidong, who had already climbed the seventy-story level, Leng Xuan clicked his tongue, this man is really strong, and his speed has not changed at all. Concentrating his mind, he no longer paid attention to the progress of the other party, but took care of himself to climb up the Zhantian Cloud Ladder.

   Soon, he reached the tenth floor. From here, he can already feel a little pressure. However, this pressure had no effect on him. After going up more than 20 layers, the pressure around him became stronger and stronger, as if there were mountains pressing down above his head. When he reached the 50th floor of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, Xiang Qidong had already reached the 100th floor. At this moment, Xiang Qidong's speed finally slowed down. It can be seen from his movements that he is already struggling a bit now, and every time he goes up, he needs to rest for a while. When he reached the 60th floor, Leng Xuan found that his legs were like lead, and it was extremely difficult to lift each time.

   Before that, Xiang Qidong kept a constant speed when he passed the first hundred floors. "Perverted." Leng Xuan thought to himself, "Let's take a rest." Thinking of this, he simply sat down on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, recovering the stamina in his body. "Sure enough, his strength is flawed. I thought he was amazing, but it turned out to be nothing more than that." At this time, Zhuo Ming, who was watching from below, sneered.

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