However, he didn't understand a little, why did those people in Xilan Valley set up such a battle, it didn't seem to be welcoming him, right? In the contemplation, there was another movement at the Taniguchi of Xilan Valley. He looked up and saw a group of beautiful women with graceful figures walking over.

   The dresses of these women can be said to be extremely cool. Except for the important three points that are covered by the cloth, the rest of the parts are shown.

   Seeing the snow-white skin and smelling the faint fragrance, Leng Xuan's calm heart unexpectedly felt agitated, and scenes of spring sunshine appeared in his mind involuntarily. "What a powerful charm technique." He frowned slightly, thinking inwardly. He didn't know how many beautiful women he had seen, even Zhao Yan was much more beautiful than the women in front of him. However, after just looking at it twice, his heart couldn't help but be restless, and he couldn't think of anything other than charm. At the moment, he bit the tip of his tongue lightly, and a strong tingling sensation came, which immediately made his mind sober a lot.

   At this time, Shion, who was watching from the side, blushed. Those women who wantonly displayed their physical charm made her very uncomfortable, and she didn't dare to look at them more. Not long after, those women came to Leng Xuan's front. Leng Xuan stood still, watching from the sidelines. He knew that in the face of this spell of charm, he had to remain calm. Once the mind is loosened, it will fall into it and it will be difficult to extricate itself.

  The twenty cool and **** women surrounded Leng Xuan and danced wildly. That graceful figure, enchanting and glamorous face, coupled with moving dancing postures, almost exerted the magic of charm to the extreme.

  Leng Xuan chuckled to himself, "You will be charmed, I will be charmed." Thinking of this, he closed his eyes slightly. When he opened his eyes again, a strange light suddenly lit up in his eyes. Confused eyes, originally is a means to confuse the mind. At this moment, it was displayed, and the charm of those women was immediately offset. No matter those women were flirting in front of Leng Xuan, Leng Xuan remained unmoved.

   Time passed by, and after a stick of incense passed, the women gradually dispersed. As they retreated, the spell of charm also disappeared. Leng Xuan closed his eyes and let out a slow sigh. Fortunately, I have a perplexing mind, otherwise, it would be difficult to stay awake just now. Looking at the three teams that had come out, Leng Xuan once again turned his attention to Taniguchi in Xilan Valley, and secretly said, "There won't be any more?" Perhaps in response to what he thought, Taniguchi in Xilan Valley appeared again. ten people. Seeing the appearance of those twenty people, Leng Xuan's expression couldn't help changing, "Why are they children?" The twenty people who appeared in front of them were all children, less than one meter tall.

   However, as those people approached, Leng Xuan immediately raised his guard. Although the height of these twenty people is less than one meter, they are not children, but dwarfs, and there is no such fierce murderous aura in the eyes of children. After the twenty dwarfs appeared, they walked directly to Leng Xuan twenty meters away, and then lined up in two rows. However, after those people appeared, they didn't do anything, but stood there quietly.

  Leng Xuan did not dare to relax his guard and looked at each other carefully. Suddenly, he felt a flower in front of him. When he focused again, he found that the dwarfs standing in front had all disappeared.

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