After rushing for two days, Leng Xuan finally entered an uninhabited area. As far as the eye can see, there are grand canyons everywhere, and the ground seems to be torn apart, full of cracks. After going deep for a long time, Leng Xuan looked around and looked around. After a while, his eyes were locked on a valley. The valley is not far away, surrounded by bare and barren mountains, extremely desolate. "That should be Xilan Valley." Leng Xuan secretly said, and then moved his body to quickly gallop toward the valley. Soon, he arrived at the Taniguchi of Xilan Valley.

   However, just as he was entering the deep valley, he was stopped by two young men who suddenly appeared. The two young men were dressed in blue clothes, with a sword behind their backs, their eyes were sharp, like a sword glow.

The two young people looked at Leng Xuan up and down and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Leng Xuan cupped his hands, "In Xia Lengxuan, the senior beggar asked me to come." Before coming, Ruan Lang I told him that after letting him go to the place, report the name of his old beggar, and someone will receive him. "Senior beggar?" A young man said coldly, "I don't know any senior beggar, leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

  Leng Xuan frowned secretly, Ruan Lang clearly said that as long as he reported his name, the other party would know. But the situation in front of him does not seem to be what he said. Immediately, he said: "This friend, there is no malicious intent, maybe there is any misunderstanding, please check it out. If the two have not heard the name of the senior beggar, you may as well ask others."

  The young man said: "I don't know any senior beggars. If you want to enter, you have to show your waist card. This is the rule. No matter who you are, if you don't have a waist card, you can't talk about it."

   As soon as the other party's voice fell, Leng Xuan heard the sound of breaking through the air above his head. Immediately afterwards, a woman and a young man flew down from mid-air. The woman had a delicate face, long hair and a shawl. She was wearing a lavender dress. Her temperament was very similar to Su Yurou's, soft and comfortable. The young man's appearance is also outstanding, his posture is straight, and his heroism is extraordinary, giving people a very tough feeling.

   As soon as the two of them landed, the two young men in charge of the guard immediately greeted them and said respectfully, "I've seen Fairy Ziyuan, Fairy Zhuo Ming, please come in!" The two nodded slightly and walked straight into the valley.

   "The two immortal friends, please stay." At this moment, a voice entered the ears of the two. The guard turned his eyes, looked at Leng Xuan who was walking quickly, frowned, and scolded: "What are you doing?"

Leng Xuan took two steps forward, bowed his hands in a salute, and said, "Dare to ask if the two immortal friends are from Xilan Valley?" Zi Yuan glanced at Leng Xuan and said with a smile, "No, we are guests of Xilan Valley. "What's wrong with this fairy friend?"

"Guest?" Leng Xuan was a little disappointed. He thought that the two were from Xilan Valley. In this case, he could ask to see if the other party knew Ruan Lang's name, "I'm sorry to disturb you." When the words fell, he turned his head and said to the two guards again: "Two friends, please go in and let me know that the disciples of the senior beggars are here to visit."

   "Hey, it doesn't look like he's lying, or I'll go in and report. If the senior beggar he said is really a friend of the valley owner, then we'll be in trouble." Another guard said.

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